Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci profile picture


The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams. (2pac)

About Me

TRAINING MUAY THAI IN THAILAND VIDEO.....You only live once , hold on to your dreams and NEVER give up ! Dont let negitive people drag you down and tell you "its not possible" , because it is ! Anythings possible , you just have to try , the worlds in your hands , this is "YOUR LIFE" ! Do with it as you want , "LIVE LIFE , DONT LET LIFE LIVE YOU" meaning if you dont take control of your life , life will control you and I can guarantee lifes plan for you will NOT be the one you ever wished for !!! In the past couple of years I'v surpassed goals , achieved the impossible , and experienced some dreams come true . Im light years away from where I want to be and where I think I should be but im on my way :) !!!!.....more about me...... Im not your average Joe , I will not apologize 4 being me . If I offend anyone then fuck off ! Take a good look at my page and make your own Pre-judgments about me cuz your going 2 anyways ....If you want to know anything more just ask dbaci13 on AIM or [email protected] Till then it's Nunya !!!!!! "If the facts dont fit the theory, change the facts." -Albert Einstein
Myspace LayoutsTHAILAND 2008 VIDEO...

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My Interests

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UFC fighting MMA ,forex day trading , music , tattoo's , high pro cars , world history , making $$$$.....

I'd like to meet:





Rocky ,bronx tail , scarface , godfather ,goodfellas , resivior doggs , good horror , 80's flicks


Niccolo.. Marchiavelli , THE ART OF WAR Sun Zue ,
Dating & Relationship Advice


Niccolo.. Machiavelli , Tupac Amaru Shakur , Sun Zue , rob booker , D.Trump , Alexander the great , jay-z , Rocky , and BJ Penn

My Blog

Thailand 2008 videos

Do to the fact Myspace suspended my video writes for some strange reason... I had to upload the rest of my video blogs on other sites enjoy..... Thailand 2008.... my youtube channel http://www.youtube...
Posted by Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:11:00 PST


You only live once , hold on to your dreams and NEVER give up ! Dont let negitive people drag you down and tell you "its not possible" , because it is ! Anythings possible , you just have to try , the...
Posted by Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:34:00 PST

My Thailand trip and how it changed me......

Swatdee khub ,(Hello in Thai) Sa bai dee mai (how are you)my friends ? My 2 1/2 month trip to Thailand : WOW ! , this trip was unreal , for the first time in my life I got out and traveled o...
Posted by Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:08:00 PST


2006.......THE YEAR THAT CHANGED MY LIFE............... Major events in 2006 : Feb.5 , 2006 , good friend Sean Troy died . I was living in FL. at the time , flew back to attend the funeral and i...
Posted by Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:31:00 PST

TROY & Tittys R.I.P.

  To T-Roy & Titty's ,     You both were one of closest friends , you guy's were always the life of the party , we could be doing nothing and you guys would make it a goodtime ...
Posted by Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 04:37:00 PST


Pursuing dreams, happiness and about taking control over my life. To achieve dreams, the first thing is to realize that they are possible, no matter what they are; to become a millionaire, to be a tra...
Posted by Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 07:06:00 PST


Discipline is what separates human accomplishment from human failure. It iswhat distinguishes bad from good. It is the Grand Canyon separating good fromGreat. Superior performance from mediocre accomp...
Posted by Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 06:27:00 PST

LADIES lets get somthing strait ..me COCKY NO!!!

I know i may come off a lil "COCKY" or a "LOT" , but im really not thoughs of u that really know me in person know that but some ppl r getting the wrong idea or picture or me . Im not that COCKY im ve...
Posted by Danny"D-Bauchery"Baci on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 06:54:00 PST