I am James. A male. Oh and im white (actually kind of peachish). 6 ft. tall(Well, almost.) I skateboard, hold hands with my self and pretend it was you, and try to follow Christ as much as possible.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Me in 20 years, make fun of myself, and than return and tell everyone I am amazing in the future.
My Blog
My car got brokin into...My 600$ car stereo system that was in there got stolen. PLUS my window is shattered so I have to replace that. My dash is completely torn apart. BUT the... Posted by HI-ME(spanISh fOr JamES) on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:12:00 PST
6 in tha mornin!
Ok, guess who knows how to read....I DO...NT! Its 6:30 am, I went to bed last night at 1 o clock in the morning and woke up at 5:40 am because I told someone I would help them move a piano ... Posted by HI-ME(spanISh fOr JamES) on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:36:00 PST
HERE IS ONE BIG RUN ON SENTANCE-----> Ok so I picked up my brother from prison(RANDOMMMMM) and as he was walking out of the prison gates he was spiiting on the ground and I could tell he meant i... Posted by HI-ME(spanISh fOr JamES) on Tue, 22 May 2007 10:08:00 PST
I demand stability-you demand suffering! Theres a reason you havent revealed to me the plan for my life-theres a reason I dont have stability-because this life isnt about stability-the only stab... Posted by HI-ME(spanISh fOr JamES) on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:08:00 PST
Myspace again?
Alright, im back into the whole myspace thing. Already its been one day and I am already failing a test tomorrow because instead of studying, I "myspaced". Im an idiot. But I did mak... Posted by HI-ME(spanISh fOr JamES) on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 12:39:00 PST