I stumbled upon these layouts
about your boyfriend
Whats his name?: Joseph Wayne Hughes
How old is he?: 24
When's his bday?: March 3
How did you meet?: We worked together at the movies : )
Where was your first kiss?: In Projections ; )
What do you like about him?: He's very cute, sweet, funny, and adoribly curious : )
Is their anything that you don't like about him?: Heck no
If you were to give him an award for something what would it be?: Best Boyfriend in the world Award!
How tall is he?: um, I'd say around 5'8 ; ), hes a little taller then me
How much does he weigh?: I dunno, but he's got a great build ; )
What color is his hair?: blonde
What color is his eyes?: blue and green
Does he have any tatoos or pierecings?: yes, he has both
What is the sweetest thing he's every done for you?: wow, there are soo many...um, the time he played romantic music and slow danced with me while singing : )
Do you think your relationship will last for ever?: Definately : )
Have you talked about kids/marriage?: we may have mentioned it ; )
Would you live with him?: I will be on June 2 : )
have you met his family: Yes I have
has he met your family: Yes he has
would your family like him?: They LOVE him!
what 5 words best describe him?: honest, sweet, hard-working, responsible, ADORIBLE!
what are at least 3 of his favorite things: Me, his car, and his sword collection ; )
Complete each statement!
I love it when he:: tells me he loves me : )
When we were apart:: I'm more lonely then Ive ever been in my life, and I have to think of memories with him just to get me through the day : (
I can't stand the thought of:: losing him : (
I'm really hoping that:: we stay together forever : )
I'd never:: LEAVE, HURT, or LET GO OF HIM!!!
With him I always:: feel the happiest I've ever been in my life : )
The greatest gift he's ever given me was:: His love and trust, but after that I'd say its between a 3D glass picture of us or my sleepyhead T-shirt : )
The greatest gift I've ever given him was:: I dunno, you'd have to ask him ; )
I'll never be able to forget the time:: He told me he was in love with me ; )
I just want him to know:: I LOVE HIM AND I AM HOLDING ON ; )!!
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