Tee profile picture


It’s not about how you survived the storm, but how you danced in it while it was pouring.

About Me

There is not much to me. I try to live by following my passions in life. Snowboarding, mountain biking, racing, music, and my friends. I try not to plan things...where I rather just get up and go. Maybe even take a drive through the canyons and get lost. Some of the best places I have found have been when I had no clue where I was. =) Most of the people I keep in contact with are usually very close to my heart. These are the people I would die for. As long as I don't have to stress...I'm all for it. Seems like my life is pretty easy going...and it is all paying off..

Your surrounds dont define you...Youll be surprised where flowers bloom.

"I'm just a couple of steps where I need to be...." ..

My Interests

Likes: Having laughs with good friends, Orange Cream Yoplait, the sound of Vinyl’s, the rush of Down Hill Mt. Biking...the calmness of hanging out in the trees when snowboarding, the brief second when time stops when you go off a hit, rivers and spontaneous camping trips, BBQ's, talking shit while playing xbox, racing every car that lines up to the light with me, my friends that are like family, swooping cars on the freeway, Leo Carillo & SB, Music, My headphones, Acting a Fool, Oil Paintings and Photography, the LA Lakers, Humor, Halo 3, Jumping in my car and getting lost, cliff jumping, building and distroying stuff, finding new places, racing little mini bikes in the alley, Kush, my rabit trixie, my 350z, things that make me think, and People who know how to follow their souls.

I'd like to meet:

The people who understand the importance of creativity, art, and individuality.


"like lyrics to the beat, you are the mate to my soul."


LA Lakers...That 70's show,, fuse......Animal Planet can be pretty damn interesting at times.


My parents...my friends...and anyone who has gone through hard times and managed to survive.

My Blog

Hopefully soon

"If your desires are not extravagant, they will be granted" ~~~Panda Express~~~
Posted by Tee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST