x kiss your lovers (on the lips) x profile picture

x kiss your lovers (on the lips) x

About Me

these songs may mean something/they may mean nothing. they exist...for the hell of it.there is no band. there isn't a great deal really of anything.there should be. there needs to be. there will be.message me, and we'll try and get some shit of the ground.if you can play an instrument. if you can't play an instrument. if you have passion. about anything. or belief. about anything. if you want to change the world. if you wanna make a difference. or if you wanna do something just for the sheer fuck of it.these songs are templates.shells of ideas i've had. they are what i could accomplish on my own with a laptop and no friends. you might hate them.let's scrap them. let's redefine them.message me. comment me. i want to hear from you.

My Interests


Member Since: 30/09/2007
Band Members: myself. my laptop. some shitty program that's not garage band or fruity loops.
Influences: -death. -love and loss. -thursday. -sex -emotions. -aphex twin. -james yorkestone. -dallas green. -life. -your broken heart. -music. -lyrics. -screaming and singing. -glassjaw. -darryl palumbo. -my mother. -my father. -the spartan army. -alan shearer. -rain. -broken instruments. -teen angst. -small town ideals. -scene politics and posturing. -how laughable that concept is. -bjork. -stephen fry.
Sounds Like: the sound of your voice box straining for something beautiful to say. the day your father died. falling down the stairs. paris in flames.
Record Label: Unsigned

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