Built to Spill, John Coltrane, The Black Keys, Tool, Bloc Party, Rocky Volotato, Koufax, Depeche Mode, The Good Life, Cursive, The Dismemberment Plan, Death Cab for Cutie, Miles Davis, Elvis Costello, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weezer, Modest Mouse, The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, The Shins, Spoon, Jimmy Eat World, Soundgarden, The Gin Blossoms, The Killers, Money Mark, Elliot Smith, A Perfect Circle, The Faint.
Fight Club, Garden State, Snatch, Half Baked, Can't Hardly Wait, High Fidelity, Ocean's Eleven, Pi, The James Bond Collection, The Corporation, Layer Cake, Office Space, American Splendor, Pirates of the Caribbean, American Beauty, The Breakfast Club, Sin City, Being John Malkovitch, Brain Candy, Austin Powers, The Singing Detective, V for Vendetta.
Sucks but I do watch TV in DVD form, Scrubs, Arrested Development, House, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Office, Heroes, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Chappelle Show, Family guy, Six Feet Under, Seinfeld, South Park.
1984, Brave New World, Farenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Hobbit, Stiff, The Andromeda Strain, Genome, Disease and History, Nature Via Nurture.