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About Me

Damien had has his first contact with music as he was a little child, because his dad played in a band. Damien always starts jumping around when he heard some music.Damien starts writing poems in the age of 15. In the age of 16 he wrote his first song for his ex- girlfriend and that was the soot for him to continue doing music.But things went a different way as he expected and so he stopped writing songs.One year later he starts writing songs again and than someone said that he got a talent and he should make use of it. Since that day Damien is writing songs.Damien’s aim is to make people happy with his music. And to give them the opportunity to get him know better.Damien was born in December 1988 in Hamburg, Germany. He’s grown up with his mother and his little brother.One thing which is very important to know is that you can’t compare Damien with a gangster rapper out of a ghetto because in Germany it’s not that tough as in the U.S.. So wot hear him talking bout dead people or drive by shootings.

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Member Since: 30/09/2007
Band Members: Damien
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Influences: Everything Around Me
Sounds Like: Sounds Like Me
Record Label: Unsigned

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