About Me
SSB is skater owned and family operated. We have pledged to make the brands that we carry available exclusively to core skate shops. We guarantee that our brands will not be found in online catalogs, sporting good stores, or mall chains. We believe in supporting core skate shops, and our business practices are a testament to this ideal. Our goal at SSB is to help distribute smaller, unknown brands that the big distributors will not even consider touching. If you would like to gain exposure for your brand and are like minded about supporting core shops, contact us.We are also excited to announce that we now offer a shop deck program. Our decks are awesome quality wood and printing. Request pricing for your shop decks today!!!We are now offering custom printing for the following: tshirts, hoodies, hats, 1" buttons, bandannas, wheels, and stickers.Independent board brands, hardware, griptape, wheels, bearings, trucks, and clothing brands, we can supply and support your core skate shop!!!VISIT US @ www.ssbdist.com