Mors profile picture


<citeoh, did i offend you ya ferry fuck!</cite

About Me

we are everywhere! rather than describe myself, I'll give you a little window into my life explaining the pictures within. hopefully you have enough gray matter in the space between your ears to figure out which caption goes with what picture. so here we go... PIC1 the mother-in-law & i on our weekly jaunt to gather firewood. PIC2 an advertising campaign i came up with so as to rid the world of the useless and inept (didn't fly over to well with the boss). PIC3 the wife is so crazy in love with me that she got my portrait tattooed on her illnana (yea boyeee). PIC4 a recent trip to cambodia where we were promoting my companies brand new line of bubble gum flavoured ciggarettes. "get 'em hooked when they're young" i always say. PIC5 my neighbors cat went missing and the neighborhood kids put up this sign. SHEER GENIUS LADS!!! Thanks for looking scumbags...

My Interests

your crippled soul, making you cry, performing labotomies with a broken beer bottle, lower case type, your mom & sister (if they're ugly we still have use for 'em. like holding the video camera and/or fluffer), entomology, picking scabs and selling them to the unsuspecting yuppies packaged neatly as "gourmet beef jerky" - yeah swallow that ya fucks!, picking my nose, picking the wifes nose and maybe picking your nose

I'd like to meet:

everyone willing to join our legions: militia, serial killers, satan worshipers, soldiers, secret service, cult followers, etc. but, we especially DO NOT want to meet people who can't take responsibilities for their own actions (unless of course you want us to physically & mentally abuse your dumb ass). also, i have lost touch with conquest, war & famine. if you're out there or anyone knows of their whereabouts, get in contact. our day will come. more later.


the sweet music of pain & suffering! "Speak English Or Die" and "Fuck The Middle East" by Stormtroopers Of Death.


There's nothing more entertaining than human conflict!




"None Of Your Fucking Business" by Anonymous, "Roadside Lobotomies" by Miss Creants


HEROES ARE FOR ZEROS! There’s nothing wrong with admiration, but when that admiration turns to obsession or worship, there’s something seriously wrong with you (LOSER!). You are in desperate need of a reality check (Sssssssslap!).

My Blog

what'd youz call me?

your asshole. What swear word are you? brought to you by Quizilla...
Posted by Mors on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

yer goin' to hell in a n easter basket!

i took this test and answered to the best of my knowledge, honestly! i guess i'll see you all there!! yz=15 The Dante's Inferno Test h...
Posted by Mors on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST