Layout made by smileyamers at .
jealousy is nothing more than a lack of self confidence
i am marianne ←
i lack determination and self confidence
i am not easily motivated or inspired
i am lazy, and unproductive
my life is run by the man upstairs
&& i am forever indebt to Him and my madre
i absolutely love my cousin diana. and i could never live without her
i dont talk behind peoples back, i speak the truth
im a typical asian. no, im not chinese
i make new friends, but honestly, i do miss the old friends who made me become who i am today.
"people change, no matter how hard they try not to. as you grow older you mature with different ideas, needs and wants. the person who was perfect for you when you were twelve could be the person you hate when youre fifteen. you need to find someone who will change with you, grow with you, cry with you, laugh with you, and just be with you.someone who will just love you for who you are. and accept you for who you will become. a person who fills in where you lack, a person whom you can fill in for when they are lacking. there are no perfect people in this world, only people for each other."my life.