About Me
WeLL Let's see...My name is Christa~Ann. I'm a natural blonde but not stupid at all, i would rather be with my friends then win a million dollars, NoTHinG makes me happier than being on stage dancing what i feel, I love the smell of GaS, tulips are my favorite flower, I'm most scared of what i can't see, I once i pop i just can't stop, i say "dude" alot, i LOVE high 5's, I'm scared of being alone, I loVe hockey, I am iN love with Charles Adam Ostlund III, My favorite colors are green and yellow...but not together, I HaTE drama,But LOVE hearing about it... i LoVE Laughing, I only wear my socks one time then i throw them away, I am addicted to Diet Mt.DEW, I say I hate my dog but really i love him, I hAtE crying in front of people, I like to pretend I don't care, I can be TOO honest sometimes, I love to cuddle, I wish i could FLY, i like to talk when there is NotHing to say,I hAVE worked FoR BESt bUy for WAY tOO LoNG, I have the greatest Boyfriend in the world, and I couldn't be more lucky... so thats that!Online Status Icons
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