Blonde Noir profile picture

Blonde Noir

About Me

Blonde Noir e stato fundito recentemente in un submarino in cammino da Reykjavik a Roma. Il gruppo consiste di due individui maravigliosi che vogliono migliorare il mondo distribuendo alcune melodie per tutte le orecchie ascoltando li fuori. Credono in banane, luce di neon, arancie e fabbriche. Hanno apreso di fare compromese. Quando il tramonto e lasciato le sue ultime sombre sur le aque oscure, per favore, comincia a ballare la notte intera!
Blonde Noir was founded in a submarine going from Reykjavik to Rome fairly recently. The group exists of two wonderful individuals who want to make the Earth a better place by distributing some melodies to all the ears out there. They believe in bananas, neon light, orange and factories. They have learned to compromise. When the sunset has thrown its last glowing shadow on the dark waters - please start dancing the night away!
Blonde Noir powstal calkiem niedawno na pokladzie lodzi podwodnej plynacej z Reykjaviku do Rzymu. Zespól sklada sie z dwóch wspanialych indywidualnosci, chcacych uczynic Ziemie lepszym miejscem za pomoca niepokojenia uszu nas wszystkich melodiami. Wierza w banany, swiatlo neonów, pomarancze i fabryki. Kompromisy nie sa im obce. Gdy slonce zachodzi i rzuca swój ostatni blysk na ciemne wody - prosze, przegoncie te noc tanczac!
Blonde Noir fue fundado recientemente en un submarino en camino desde Reykjavik a Roma. El grupo está constituido por dos individuos maravillosos que quieren mejorar el mundo distribuyendo unas melodías para todas las orejas alli fuera. Creen en los plátanos, la luz de neón, el color naranja y las fábricas. Han aprendido hacer compromisos. Cuando la puesta del sol deja sus últimas sombras brillantes en las aguas oscuras, por favor, empezad a bailar la noche entera!
Blonde Noir a été fondé récemment dans un sous-marin en route de Reykjavik à Rome. Le groupe se compose de deux magnifiques individus qui souhaitent rendre le monde meilleur en distribuant des mélodies pour toutes les oreilles attentives au-dehors. Ils croient aux bananes, à la lumière des néons, à la couleur orange et aux usines. Ils ont appris à faire des compromis. Lorsque le crépuscule jette ses dernières ombres brillantes sur les eaux obscures, commencez à dancer pour le reste de la nuit!

My Interests


Member Since: 30/09/2007
Band Members: !!! Start Code To Apply Top Banner !!!! Custom top banner code by Eileen!!! End Code To Apply Top Banner !!!Zoïa Kusoffsky
and Johan Borg
Influences: Pet Shop Boys, Saint Etienne, Rex The Dog, Familjen, Human League, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, New Order, Giorgio Moroder, Laserdance, Indochine, Madonna, Duran Duran, Berlin, Yazoo, Erasure, Alaska, Blondie... blonde noir zoia kusoffsky and johan borg stockholm
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Springtime in the fall

With one half of the band dancing the night away in Santiago, Chile, and the other drinking cava in Barcelona, Spain, the members of Blonde Noir are currently spread all over the planet. In the meanti...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 19:25:00 GMT


Blonde Noir is getting remastered and refreshed with new versions of the songs, more bitrate and stuff like that... First up is "Miles Away". A full length version of "Costa Blanca" will follow.
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:27:00 GMT

In motion

Blonde Noir have been spending some time moving in slow motion and eating apples. Preview of forthcoming movie below!
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:03:00 GMT

Startup chime

Blonde Noir is up & running...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 10:54:00 GMT