living in strange places, meeting strangers, acting strange. ruins, rumors, revolutions.
Main Entry: hip·ster Pronunciation: 'hip-st&r Function: noun Etymology: 4hip : a person who is unusually aware of and interested in new and unconventional patterns (as in jazz or fashion)
voltaire. music: martires de compas, tom waits, ketama, brad, zueriwest, goldfish, the cure, kiko veneno, mozart's requiem. billie holiday, tuna de ETEA cordoba, tori amos, kraftwerk, prince, bowie, clash, quintron, happy talk band, liquidrone, morning 40 federation, soul rebels, rebirth brass band.
wenders, almodovar, tarantino, fassbinder, tati, schloendorff, fellini, lynch.
thomas mann. albert camus, max frisch, garcia lorca, bert brecht, pablo neruda, garcia marquez, wolfgang borchert, voltaire.
jacques tati