I feel like starting afresh. Changes are being made in my life lately; some voluntary, some not so. I have a feeling that life is going to be bigger and better than before. I'm being more aware of my surroundings; who I'm hanging out with and my own personal well being. I'm shaping up, watching what I eat, trying to be outside more, and pushing hard to follow my true passion which is music. I would love for my friends to join me along the way in this, but if I must, I will do it on my own. I like my "me" time; I'm getting to know myself again.
Recently, someone mentioned that I kept to myself. They obviously don't know me. Now they do..
Name: Wallace Israel Harper III
Date of Birth: 01-26-83
Birthplace: Woodstock, IL
Current Location: Deltona, FL
Eye Color: Blue..
Hair Color: Blonde when it's there
Height: 5'9"
Heritage: Welsh, German, all the really white people.
Piercings: Both Ears
Tattoos: A Strong burning desire...
Band/Singer: Someone inspiring, Mike Abendschein
Song: Too Many to choose from
Movie: Better Off Dead
Disney Movie: Wall-E
TV show: I Miss Junkyard Wars
Color: Orange
Food: Eggs
Pizza topping: Green Peppers, Onions and Fresh Tomatoes
Ice-Cream Flavor: Lately Peanut Butter
Drink (alcoholic): Aventinus (A Beer)
Soda: The only one I'll drink is The Baja Blast Stuff From Taco Bell.
Store: Sam Ash or Skycrap
Clothing Brand: AE
Shoe Brand: Hmm, Sketchers probably
Season: Winter
Month: January
Holiday/Festival: Festivus!
Flower: Orchid
Make-Up Item: Is this survey for men?
Board game: Cranium with good participation
This or That
Sunny or rainy: And Snowy. I Like the rain a lot.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Both
Night or day: These days more so Day
Sour or sweet: Sour
Love or money: Love, but money makes life easier. Up to the Challenge?
Phone or in person: Fuck the Phone
Looks or personality: Personality and big boobs.
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: ?? Cold if you are referring to weather.
Goal for this year: Pay off Bills!!!
Most missed memory: Can you miss a memory, or a period of time? I miss the days of no responsibility.
Best physical feature: My aura.
First thought waking up: Damn Cats.
Hypothetical personality disorder: I'm Nuts
Preferred type of plastic surgery: On me? Breast reduction!
Sesame street alter ego: Ernie
Fairytale alter ego: Sir Poops-a-lot
Most stupid remark: Oh we could go on for days here...
Worst crime: Sadly, speeding. I'm such a pussy.
Greatest ambition: To be financially stable with a loving wife and children and to play music for the rest of my life.
Greatest fear: Haven't found it yet. It does exist though, I'm sure of it.
Darkest secret: I pick my nose. A lot.
Favorite subject: A beautiful woman to photograph.
Strangest received gift: A toothpick holder.
Worst habit: Did I mention picking my nose? I Fart a lot too.
Do You:
Smoke: no
Drink: Indeed
Curse: Way more than I want to
Shower Occasionally
Like thunderstorms: A LOT!
Dance in the rain: Indeed
Sing: For a living.
Play an instrument: More than my fare share.
Get along with your parents: Indeed
Wish on stars: Nope
Believe in fate: Guided circumstance.
Believe in love at first sight: Maybe
Can You:
Drive: yes
Sew: no
Cook: very well, actually.
Speak another language: Pig Latin
Dance: Not to save my life.
Sing: fairly
Touch your nose with your tongue: wouldn't that be useful.
Whistle: Indeed
Curl your tongue: into a nifty little tube.
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Oh Lordie yes.
Been Stoned/High: Only really well twice. I got lost on the road I lived on once and had a complete stream of conscience the second time.
Eaten Sushi: Muy Bueno!
Been in Love: Twice
Skipped school: A couple times.
Made prank calls: Indeed!
Sent someone a love letter: no, not really my style.
Stolen something: Nothing important
Cried yourself to sleep: Maybe
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Bullshit.
Are you right or left handed? Part of the 85%
What is your bedtime? Didn't know I had one.
Name three things you can't live without: Love, music, and Memories
What is the color of your room? I have a whole house full of different colors!
Do you have any siblings? one
Do you have any pets? two
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Don't hate, buy them a sandwich.
What is you middle name? Israel. What the hell were my parents thinking.
What are you nicknames? Actually don't have any anymore.
Are you for or against gay marriage? For less government.
What are your thoughts on abortion? My thoughts are usually not ON abortion.
Do you have a crush on anyone? My fiance is REALLY hot naked. So is Drew Barrymore though...
Are you afraid of the dark? not at all
How do you want to die? Having lived life.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Probably more than you!
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes, and would give a bullet back too.
What is the last law you’ve broken? Technically I constantly hop the median in front of my house and that is illegal.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Red, Brunette
Eye color: Something interesting
Height: Prefer shorter but I got "stuck" with the Jolly Green Giant-ess.
Weight: Slim with curves.
Most important physical feature: Boobs and eyes. Mostly Boobs.
Biggest turn-off: Bullshit and lying.
There you have it.