♥babycakes profile picture


About Me

//+ the names Lucy but you can call me Lu or LuLu.
//+ 19 years old and its im just getting started. HAHA.
//+ my blog is updated frequently, so subscribe and check back. i'll give you something worth reading everytime.
//+ graduate of Joe Blasco Hollywood.
//+ lived in Hawaii, New York, Iowa, and California.
//+ currently living in the 626.
//+ currently attending Rosemead Cosmetology School.
//+ crazy driver, so WATCH OUT for me on the road guys.
//+ aspiring runway makeup artist, fashion designer, and gogo dancer.
//+ dreams of living and working in Las Vegas someday in life.
//+ i actually enjoy the movie SHOWGIRLS.
//+ i adore my family and friends to death.

if you add me as a friend, feel free to comment or msg me. i love meeting new people and i dont bite.
to those who add me as a friend and don't talk to me. you will be deleted, simple as that.
i do reply to everyones msgs and comments, sometimes it just might take longer. please be patient.
: ask for it
: ask for it
: ask for it
"heres to the nights that turn into mornings with the friends that turn into family."
"to continue loving somebody even though theres no chance of that love ever thriving, thats romance."
"it hurts to breathe because i know every breath i take proves i can live without you."
"love only fails when we fail to love."
"love can be deep inside, love can be suicide."
the friends that turned into family<3

My Blog

update 052009

Ok, I know I really need to do a REAL BLOG some day soon in life, but I just get so caught up with work and school and life. I promise soon though, real soon. I have a few blog ideas in mind. I just g...
Posted by on Wed, 20 May 2009 14:50:00 GMT

update 042309

Hey guys its been another few months since my last blog post. I know I know, I keep saying "Im back on myspace for good" and I always disappear off again. Sorry guys, my life is just gets way too craz...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 12:55:00 GMT

update 012409

Its been awhile since my last blog, so I wanna start this blog off by saying "HAPPY2009 EVERYONE!" So this is just going to be a blog update. I promise you guys anactual blog will be posted shortly af...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 16:41:00 GMT

[081808] The Summer Olympics Update

Hey guys its been 10 days since the last time I posted on here and it has been 10 DAYS since the Opening Ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Alot has happened in 10 days, medals were handed out, fl...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 07:26:00 GMT

[080808] History In the Making PT2 + More.

      Hey guys as I promised, I squeezed in another blog for this very special date that will go down in history, 080808. HAHA. Anyways I watched the Opening Ceremony&nbs...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 00:51:00 GMT

[080808] History In The Making.

Hey guys, as I been promising for like 10 thousand years now, NEW NON UPDATE BLOG!!! Yay!! Haha. Watch me be the only one thats like excited about this. LOL. Anyways I thought alot about what this blo...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 02:04:00 GMT

update 080808

Hey guys, I said I was gonna do another blog so here I am doing another blog update. Don't worry an actual BLOG will be posted after this. //+ I AM SO EXTREMELY EXCITED ABOUT THE SUMMER OLYMPICS IN C...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 01:23:00 GMT

update 072108

hey guys its been a long time since i've been on myspace. well i want everyone to know that I AM BACK FOR GOOD. hahaha. so yeah, lets start with a blog update. //+ i quit my job around may becau...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 22:49:00 GMT

update 041308

hey you guys its been forever since i myspace'd or did any blog updates. so as i promised you guys heres an update. //+ i finally got my drivers lisence after like 40 million tries. i currently drive...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 21:07:00 GMT

[recap] 2007

wow, i cant believe its actually 08 right now. 07 has been sucha crazy year for me. alot happened in 07, some good and some bad. so this blog is dedicated to the BIG THINGS that happened in 2007. so h...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 05:10:00 GMT