Member Since: 29/09/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: This is a 'John the only member' page again. For the best part of my musical life I have nearly always done it on my own, while this may seem a bit masturbatory to say the least, I'm the only person that truly knows what I mean. I have had the privilege to have jammed with some very interesting people in the past, all of them with great ideas on how to make music, most of them far better musicians than I could ever hope to be. But the thing is that although they could play anything I gave them to play well, it wasn't the same thing that I was after. So in the early eighties I invested in the original TEAC 144 portastudio. It took me nearly a year to save up for that 4 track(£515), £10 a week, and I was only earning just over £20 a week then. Now you can get a digital version with twice if not more tracks for about the same price!
I still use the Portastudio so if you can hear hissing noise that'll be the tape. (On the 6th of April 2008, this particular piece of equipment passed away and has been replaced with one of those new digital doo dahs with 8 tracks, so any future music will be recorded on it, if I can get my head around the wretched thing!)
With this weapon under my belt I was able to record demo's and portray exactly what I wanted to other people, only it seemed that most of them were either uninterested (more likely) or confused by it all. I was only thinking not so long ago, how lucky Marillion, one of my favourite bands, have been to have seemingly like minded members in the band. While there are always musical differences, and there have to be to create interesting songs, they have a melting pot of ideas and they almost have a psychic link with each other, anyone fortunate enough to have seen them strike up a jam in between numbers for fun will know exactly what I mean. If I bleat on about Marillion too much, you must forgive me, it's just totally unfair that they don't get much in the way of national airplay. They are still making excellent music, the well hasn't run dry and they never seem to venture back into retread territory. When the BBC eventually concede it to be a good idea to have them on the radio, they broadcast them late at night when no blighters are listening except for Marillion fans. Still I suppose that if someone accidentally tunes into the broadcast they might just have got the message out to somebody.
I now step off of my soapbox.