Forgiven and redeemed I live for the hope and love that is given abundantly through grace.
You Are an Indie Rocker!
You are in it for the love of the music...
And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label.
You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success.
You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career.
What Kind of Rocker Are You?Take the quiz:
What Kind Of Converse Are You?
You are yourself and dont try to be like anyone else. Chances are you enjoy skate boarding,rock music and stuff like that. You have a lot of friends that like you for who you are. You are the original black converse.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Name Anil Haroon
Birthday 17th august
Birthplace Quetta, Pakistan
current location Brampton, Canada
Height about 6 feet
Heritage Asian
Weakness Videogames and music
Fears Drowning
Bedtime Varies
Favourite Drink Iced Cappuccino's
Do you smoke no
Do you swear very rarely
Do you want to go to college yes
Do you want to get married yes
Do you believe in yourself Yes, because God beslives in me
How do you want to die which ever way I am suppose to die
What do you want to be when your done with college Pastor
Things that annoy you Being rushed by other people
In a boy or girl
Favourite hair colour doesn't matter
Favourite eye colour doesn't matter
Short or long hair preferably long
Height anything except being taller then me
Best clothing style modest :)