Shit to Know about me!
- My name is Jeannie.
- People sometimes call me Panda.
- I'm left handed.
- I read alot.
- I color outside of the line.
- I'm extremely irrational when I don't have a cigarette.
- Even if we didn't fall out the same line of vaginas, you're still my family if i say you are.
- My family is what keeps me strong.
- I'm down with the clown.
- I'm nomadic.
- My favorite place to go is the grocery store.
- I have a complete adoration for panda stuff.
- I'm a pacifist.
- I'm a very strong willed person. Don't try to change my mind, you'll be wasting your time.
- I'm a gamer. I LOVE yoshi. I have two yoshis tattooed on my arms.
- I don't stay still very long.
- I'm not much for bullshitting in serious affairs.
- I do my best to cry behind closed doors.
- I'll give you my last ten dollars and not expect it back.
- I have an adoration for tall green eyed guys.
- I'm a chunky dunk kid.
- I'm blind as a bat.
- I'm diabetic.
- I disregard the doctors advice.
- I will tell you no if I'm not interested. I don't believe in stringing people along.
- I smoke alot of pot.
- I rarely drink socially. If a drink at all.
- If you want my full attention, offer me a newport or a hershey creme pie.
- I'm a total sucker for orphans.
- I keep track of the mileage on my car, so that i know when I'm going to run out of gas versus the gas gage. (and yes, my gas gage is accurate.)
- I'll ask you at least twice in the store to taste my soda from the fountain. does it taste weird to you.
- I got a thing for watching wrestling shows. especially FREE wrestling shows.
- I'm a mommalo. I'll cook you food, do your laundry, and offer to put you up for the night.
- I have a knack at the crane machines in walmarts and IHOPS. Give me five bucks and I'll give you ten cheaply made stuffed animals.
- I can't beat my way out of a wet paper bag unless i feel slighted. Then I'll stomp your ass down.
- I believe that everyone is responsible for their own actions.
- My belief is that EVERYONE has a social responsibility to do the right thing.
- I know that I march to the beat of my own drum.
- I'm a trend setter with isms.
- Your face. That's what's up.
So All in all, Keep your starshine high. Remember, Every Emotion causes an action, and with that action is a consequence. Think outside the box. -P.b.{}
Layout by CoolChaser