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Blue and Yellow Purple Kush

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BOTANICAL CLASSIFICATIONFamily :CannabaceaeGenus : CannabisSpecies : sativa; indica; ruderalisCOMMON NAMES Marijuana; Marihuana; Pot; Weed; Grass; Mary Jane; ...EFFECTS CLASSIFICATION Intoxicant; Stimulant; Psychedelic; DepressantDESCRIPTION Cannabis, a fast-growing bushy annual with dense sticky flowers, produces the psychoactive THC. It is the most widely used illegal psychoactive and has a long history of medicinal, recreational, and industrial use. The fibrous stalks of the plant are used to produce clothing and rope.

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# Cannabis consumption is for adults only. Many things and activities are suitable for young people, but others absolutely are not. Children do not drive cars, enter into contracts or marry, and they must not use drugs.# The responsible cannabis user does not operate a motor vehicle or other dangerous machinery impaired by cannabis. Although cannabis is said by most experts to be safer than alcohol and many prescription drugs with motorists, public safety demands that impaired drivers be taken off the road and that objective measures of impairment be developed and used, rather than chemical testing.# The responsible cannabis user will carefully consider his/her setting and regulate use accordingly. The responsible cannabis consumer will be vigilant as to conditions -- time, place, mood, etc. -- and does not hesitate to say "no" when those conditions are not conducive to a safe, pleasant and/or productive experience.# Use of cannabis, to the extent that it impairs health, personal development or achievement, is abuse and should be resisted by responsible cannabis users. Abuse means harm. Some cannabis use is harmful; most is not. That which is harmful should be discouraged; that which is not need not be.# The responsible cannabis user does not violate the rights of others, observes accepted standards of courtesy and public propriety, and respects the preferences of those who wish to avoid cannabis entirely. Regardless of the legal status of cannabis, responsible users will adhere to emerging tobacco smoking protocols in public and private places.


MeditationIt's Not What You Think! by Joi Eden Jan 1997 from Jan - Feb '97 issue of Kaleidoscope, (516) 867-MOONIt seems everyone is interested in meditation...talking about the wonderful benefits, recommending classes and discussing the different ways to "do it". But, for a beginner, just what is "it"? And how do you do "it"?Our busy, hectic, lifestyles may seem to prohibit this peaceful practice, or provide a convenient "excuse" not to begin, or continue, to meditate...but, the happy news is, you CAN successfully benefit even if you practice for short periods. With the simple technique described below, you will begin and incredible journey. There are 100's of styles, traditions and forms of meditation, but this simple practice has always been highly recommended. It is said, "Here is where the beginner begins and the Master ends".Sit comfortably, preferably upright and alert. If unable to sit upright, lie down. When sitting, allow your spine and back muscles to support you, if you're able, otherwise use the back of the chair. Especially for beginners, if you're uncomfortable, your mind will be distracted and you will not benefit fully --- it will distract you from your process. You may alter things for your needs. If sitting in a chair, feet flat to the floor, thighs parallel to floor, feet aligned with knees, knees aligned with hips and shoulders, back straight (but not rigid), hands resting in lap, palms down. Do not slump or slouch --- imagine your head suspended by a golden thread from above. The suspension point is the crown of your head, so your chin is slightly tucked inward. If you slump or tire, just pull your sting upward! You'll feel weightless and relaxed. Remember, alter your position somewhat if needed. You will slowly become very comfortable with this position.To sit on a mat, cushion or pillow, sit cross-legged, half or full lotus, depending on your ability. Do not force this, or any other posture; move gradually into it. Whether practicing indoors or outdoors, the air should be fresh and well-ventilated, without draft or high wind and clothes should be loose and comfortable.You may close your eyes (unless this causes you to fall asleep) or gaze with almost-closed eyes as if looking downward and inward. If you wish, rest the tip of your tongue on your upper hard palate behind your teeth. Unless there is a physical restriction, breathe through your nose.Traditionally, the best times to practice are upon arising and in the evening or before bedtime. With hectic modern schedules, any time is fine. Don't allow a "lack of time" to stop you. You can still benefit even if you practice for "odd moments" throughout your day --- you will be surprised how a few minutes here-and-there add up for your peace of mind. Recommended practice time is 20 minutes, twice per day --- IF YOU CAN ... some people practice more often and for more than 20 minutes. Remember, this is personal; just do your best and enjoy. Do not practice when exhausted; avoid eating 30 minutes before or after practice. Practice for a few minutes at first in a quiet environment. The time will lengthen as you become more'll probably surprise yourself! You may use soothing music as a pleasant background.YOUR PRACTICE Sit comfortably...allow yourself to become aware of your environment as you gently and slowly close your eyes...become aware of your body...feel yourself sitting...feel the contact your body makes with each surface...feel body parts touching other body parts (hands resting in lap, legs crossed)...feel your body resting comfortably and safely in the surrounding air...draw your awareness inward as you feel your body relaxing into the surfaces...calmly be aware of your breathing, without altering your your attention either at your navel or your nostrils...calmly feel and be aware of the rhythm of your breathing...if thoughts come into your mind, don't try to stop or avoid them; just be aware of them and let them drift away --- don't follow them and don't try to solve problems...thoughts will always come; just smile as you notice them...observe them and let them go as you return to awareness of the soothing flow of your breath...always, as your mind wanders, bring it back to your breathing...You may wish to imagine or think of your breath as a color or a light or a pleasant thought moving in and out of your body in a smooth flow --- words like "peace", "calm", "tranquility", "love", "light", "safety", and the like are fine...use whatever you may repeat such words in your mind in rhythm with the flow of your inwardly as you meditate...just sit and listen to your breath and the calming in the stillness and silence of this peaceful, powerful moment...and for just this moment, you can release all thoughts, worries and concerns and just be tranquil and serene.When you feel that you have practiced for just the right amount of time, slowly return to awareness of your body...awareness of being in your environment...turn your attention outward and slowly, gradually open your eyes. You may stretch and/or rub your palms together, place them over your eyes, then rub gently down your face and back of head and neck several times. Then simply proceed with your normal activities.Meditation is a cultivation process --- be patient and natural, enjoy each moment, do not "try hard"...just allow and everything will naturally fall-into-place. The biggest blocks to meditation are impatience and expectations. Just continue to repeat the simple process and you Will benefit. Don't wait for or desire "spectacular" results; that is a distracting fact, if you can keep from doing that, THAT is spectacular! Don't be impatient with yourself or disappointed if today's practice wasn't as good as yesterday's practice...that happens! Just rest for a in the stillness and silence, and enjoy!MEDITATION IS...* Allowing your mind to be alert and attentive* Allowing your mind to be calm, concentrated without strain and focused * Increased awareness of the world around you * Being in the moment - not worrying about the past or future * Pleasant * A process more than a goal...a beautiful, inspiring journey rather than just a destinationBENEFITS* Decreased stress, tension, depression, anxiety - more balanced emotions * Strengthened immune system, improved health * Sense of identity and connection, Improved confidence and concentration * Peace of mind, optimism and self-worth * A sense of greater spiritual connectionMEDITATION IS NOT...* Falling asleep * Going into a trance * Shutting yourself off from reality * Becoming lost in thought and/or forgetting who and where you are

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Britney Spears - Gimme More Official Music Video Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 05:57:00 PST

water bed with a small leak

Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 04:42:00 PST

powerman 5000 (when worlds collide)

Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 04:39:00 PST

Get Silly

V.I.C. - Get Silly - Produced by Soulja Boy Tellem Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 05:02:00 PST

Aisle 3 Show

So last night, Abra and I went to the Hawthorne Theater to see our friend Ryans band "Aisle 3." The show was supposed to start at 9:00pm and since Aisle 3 was headlining we figured we would have time ...
Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 07:14:00 PST

Life and Love

    I have heard that there is more to life than love, before i ever truly had love I was a true believer that there was more out there.    Life is a wonderfull thing and...
Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 09:59:00 PST

I Finally Found The Way , A Poem By: Mark Shipley

A SHOOTING STAR OR JUST AN UNMARKED CARBy: Mark ShipleyDedicated to Abra Azure BuckSwerving just a little trying hard just to steer.Cant hold it back, my eyes become glossy and even shimmer as the rel...
Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 10:43:00 PST

What makes meth so hard to quit?

"Sam, I've been using crystal for years now. What makes it so hard to quit?"Good question. Here's how to understand this process:Amphetamines stimulate the release of epinephrine, norepinephreine, an...
Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 10:09:00 PST

What No One Wants to Know About Marijuana

Because marijuana is such an unimpressive pharmacological agent, it is not a very interesting drug to study in a laboratory. Pharmacologists cannot get a handle on it with their methods, and because t...
Posted by Blue and Yellow Purple Kush on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:56:00 PST