We would like anyone who is interested in finding the truth about 9/11 to join us.
December 11th Street Action:
The December 11th street action was a really positive event. We were blessed by a blast of warm weather that swept into Cincinnati during the morning hours. Under a blanket of sunshine and among a plethora of seasonal decorations, we distributed all of our 9/11 Truth materials to the people downtown.
Everyone is welcome to browse an album of photographs from the street action: Photos from December 11th .
January 11th Street Action:
After being shut out from media coverage on December 11th, WeAreChange Ohio led a march in conjunction with a Cincinnati 9/11 Truth street action.
The groups assembled on Cincinnati's Fountain Square in the morning of January 11th to distribute 9/11 Truth materials, and marched directly to the headquarters of the venerable Cincinnati Enquirer. After patiently waiting in the lobby of the Enquirer, a small contingent from WeAreChange Ohio and Cincinnati 9/11 Truth were told to leave the premises by security. The emissaries rejoined their fellow protesters outside of the Enquirer headquarters.
Then WeAreChange Ohio proceeded to FOX 19 headquarters in Cincinnati to follow up on why the television station had not covered the street actions despite the issuance of a press release and the distribution of 9/11 information to the station. WeAreChange Ohio entered the building to discuss their future plans with the FOX 19 representative.
While hinting at providing coverage for the 9/11 Truth Movement, the FOX 19 representative contined to fall back on the official explanation of 9/11 which has been put forth by the government of the United States. This is a example of what has become indicative of the corporate media: an unwillingness to investigate the key underpinnings of American foreign and domestic policy.
Even the most absurd aspects of the government's story have gone uninvestigated, such as the sudden collapse of World Trade Center 7 on 9/11. Under questioning from WeAreChange and Cincinnati 9/11 Truth, Lee Hamilton, the Vice Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, stated that the commission's engineering consultants theorized that World Trade Center 7 collapsed due to the "intense heat that came from the collapse of the twin towers."
Despite the stonewalling of the local media, WeAreChange Ohio and Cincinnati 9/11 Truth have shown that they will continue to pressure the corporate news organizations to get coverage for the coverup of the largest mass murder in U.S. history.
February 11th Street Action:
Members of Cincinnati 9/11 Truth and C.H.A.N.G.E. Ohio gathered in Clifton to spread the word of 9/11 Truth by distributing free DVDs and fliers. Motorists and pedestrians readily took the free information about the 9/11 crimes and coverup.
March 11th Street Action:
Members of Cincinnati 9/11 Truth and WeAreChange Ohio gathered on Fountain Square to spread information about the 9/11 Truth movement to the people of Cincinnati. The demonstrators then visited the offices of Senators Sherrod Brown and George Voinovich of Ohio.
Full Photo Set
April 11th Street Actions:
April 11th was a great day for Cincinnati 9/11 Truth because the group was able to hold two successful street actions on the same date. Three-hundred and seventy-five DVDs were quickly distributed in the morning at the University of Cincinnati and the group came back in the afternoon to hold a street action at a high-profile intersection next to the main campus.
Full Set of Photos
WeAreCHANGE Street Action at Peace Week:
Members of WeAreCHANGE Ohio held an impromptu street action at the University of Cincinnati in conjunction with Peace Week.
See the Full Photo Set .
Northside July 4 Parade:
Cincinnati 9/11 Truth had a successful Independence Day appearance in the Northside July 4 Parade. The group handed out hundreds of fliers and DVDs about the true nature of the 9/11 atrocities.
View Full Photo Set
Upcoming Events:
Richard Gage at UC:
When: Saturday, October 25th at 7:00 PM
Where: Zimmer Auditorium
University of Cincinnati
Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth will be at the University of Cincinnati on October 25th for a live, multimedia presentation of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, The Architecture of Destruction.
There will be a Question and Answer session afterwards.
Cincy911 Action Page
Mission Statement