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This show is dedicated to the 100 Angels who lost their life in The Station Nightclub Fire in 2003. Loretta speaks candidly about her experience with death and how she decided to triumph over her tragedy.

Book Video Trailer: The Journey Less Traveled
The PUBLISHER:Loretta Harris is destined for GREATNESS! As an adolescent, she embraced literature and discovered her fervor for reading and writing. Loretta would indulge countless hours in her public library reading and writing miniature plays, poems and short stories. Since that time, Loretta vowed that she would one day write children’s novels. Loretta graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. In addition, this determined educator received a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership, which she earned from Stetson University. Loretta is Reading Endorsed and qualified to teach reading grades K-12. Throughout her teaching career, Loretta endeavored to ignite the same passion for reading in the hearts of her students. Loretta is a recipient of various accolades in the field of education, including Teacher of the Month and Minority Teacher of The Year. Loretta’s most recent endeavor is the launching of Children's Heart Publishing Company in 2006 where she serves as CEO and President. Publications include, “The Rise of Death Valley,” “Who Did It and Why,” “Hard Life,” “The Inside Struggle” “A Gangsta’s Life,” and “Through the Eyes of a Poet,” which she coauthored with her students. Children’s Heart aphorism is capturing the heart of the writer. This accomplished entrepreneur was featured as, Florida’s Finest in 2008 and The Network Orlando's Woman of the Month. In addition, Loretta has graced several talk shows including “Voices and Vibes,” WOKB 1680” “Get Your Entrepreneur On” and “Against All Odds” where she provided key strategies for overcoming adversity in any situation. Loretta recently released, “The Journey Less Traveled: Choose to Turn Your Tragedy into Triumph” a memoir highlighting her encounter and TRIUMPH over death! Loretta is an affiliate of Small Publishers Association of North America, Florida Publishers Association, and International Reading Association. Loretta currently resides in Orlando, Florida where she is dedicated to the completion of her doctorate degree in Education at Nova Southeastern University.

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"The Journey Less Traveled" Book Tour 2009

C.H. Publishing Website*NOTE: Book Club Presidents please forward your contact information to receive 1 FREE copy of "The Journey Less Traveled." Receive a 30% DISCOUNT with your purchase of 8 or more...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 21:38:00 GMT

Young Entrepreneurs Society, Y.E.S! Member Badge

http://youngentrepreneurssociety.ning.com ..Visit Young Entrepreneurs Society, Y.E.S!
Posted by on Thu, 16 Jul 2009 12:51:00 GMT

The Tragedy and Triumph of the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson

Posted by on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 15:36:00 GMT

TRANSFORMERS The ReVeal-a-tion!

Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 21:13:00 GMT

Children's Heart Publishing Vacation Sweepstakes..

Children's Heart Publishing Vacation Sweepstakes.. Your purchase of, "The Journey Less Traveled: Choose to Turn Your Tragedy into Triumph" QUALIFIES YoU and 5 other Guests for a 7-Day Vacation at one...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 19:46:00 GMT

"Keeping it Real" May 20th Radio Show!

Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 22:26:00 GMT

ATTN:"Keeping it Real" Blog Talk Radio!

Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 18:59:00 GMT

Is There Life After Tragedy? Interview w/ Loretta Faith Harris

..This show is dedicated to the 100 Angels who lost their life in The Station Nightclub Fire in 2003. Loretta speaks candidly about her experience with death and how she decided to...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 13:37:00 GMT

Seven Steps to Developing a Conqueror's Mentality

"Never back down from adversity; the only step back allowed is the one taken to view your hardship from a different standpoint." Loretta "Faith" Harris Conquer - to get possession of or seize control...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 23:24:00 GMT

Overcoming Adversity

 Overcoming Adversity I hear noise, but there's darkness all around What did I do to deserve this vicious fate? Cold, in isolation and solitude I lay Why is it that in the midst of the STORM I fe...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Dec 2008 02:36:00 GMT