fort erie
three, two, one...
of all the work i've put into this new layout, the "about me" section has taken longest to fill out. i really don't know what to say in a small block of text to describe myself to someone who may or may not already know me... i'm a typical girl in the sense that i enjoy chocolate in the colour pink. my addictions include caffine, passion, and technology. i love to play bass, but have been neglecting it lately. to be honest, i've been neglecting alot of things these past few months. freedom from highschool has left room for drastic changes in myself, and my lifestyle... i've grown up and learned more about myself than i thought possible in less than a year's time. i'm anxious to see how drastically everything can change in another year, or two, or ten.
the three people who matter most in my world are my four year old sister, Emma, my mother Terry , and the closest, most incredible friend i’ll ever have, Peter . he has done so much for me. thanks to him, i've had the strength and ambition to get my applications to several colleges, and follow up on the pre-admissions requirements and testing. in fact, this next september he and i will be moving to Oakville to meet up with a few friends while i take up my recent acceptance into the Media Arts program at Sheridan college. i've never been more excited, and more terrified, in my life.