A good management company will help manage your career and find you work. In big cities this can be split into two parts, managers and bookers. The manager will help you develop your "look", your skills, and develop your natural talents. They will help in preparing your marketing materials for the market in which they think you will be most successful. They should have knowledge of the market place and will honestly evaluate your potential for that market. They should have contacts so they can send you to photographers, graphic designers and printers to prepare your marketing materials. They should have the means to prepare you to be a successful actor/actress or model. The booking side is where the managment tracks down who hires talent. They make the rounds to keep in touch with those who hires talent and provide them with composites and head sheets of their talent. They advertise, do lunches, do cold calls and turn over stones to find who is hiring. They book time, give direction to get there and make sure their talent shows up. They handle billing, collections, and complaints. A good management finds you work and earns every cent of their commission (usually 10% to 33%). KALIK (The official photographer for 237 Management Inc.)