Nick profile picture


About Me

Layout Provided By - Browse Layouts Well I'm pretty much the most laid back person I know. I like to party and have a good time, and I'm pretty much tired of school. I play football, and we're awesome this year. So Umm... well I don't really know what else to say.
Name Nick Armogida
Sex Male
Age 17
Hair Color Dark brown/Black
Eye Color brown
Height 5'11"
Your Heritage Dirty Italians rock!
Siblings Krisitin, Tony, Tim, Amy, Denise
Your Best Friend Don't really have one
Single Or Taken Single (Batesville Curse)
Do You Do Drugs Depends, nothin heavy
Do You Drink Like a pro
Color blue
Food skyline
Boy Name Dante
Girl Name
Animal Monkey
Sport Football
Have You Ever...
Smoked Yes
Skinny Dipped Yes
Seen Your Crush Naked Yes
Lied Yes
Fallen For Your Best Friend Yes, it doesn't work out
Been Rejected Oh the stories I could tell
Rejected Someone Yea
Done Something You Regret Everything I've ever done
Clothes Shorts
Music Ben Folds
Smell axe
Fav. Band currently, ben folds
Desktop Picture red squares or some shit
Annoyance work
Are You..
Understanding Too much
Open-Minded more and more I am
Interesting some people think so
Random I woke up and drove to st. louis for no reason
Moody very
Organized no
Difficult not really
Attractive to some
Obsessed nope
Opposite Sex..
What Do You Notice First not real sure, everything
Best Eye Color no preference
Best Hair Color depends on the girl
Short Or Long Hair medium
Best Height 5'8"
Best Weight not too heavy or skinny
Best Clothing Style doesnt matter
Just Some Last Questions..
Last Movie You Have Seen At The Theatre Pirates of the Carribean 2
Fav. Cartoon Futurama (I'm fry)
What Did You Have For Breakfast i dont eat breakfast
Could You Live Without Your Computer probly, but it wouldnt be as fun
Do You Dye Your Hair no
Who Makes You Laugh The Most i dont laugh very much nemore
Do You Wish You Were Younger nope
Do You Have Any Crushes nope, they're useless
Do You Like Highschool i did
Do You Want To Get Married some day
What Are Your Thoughts On Love fuck that shit (batesville curse, I'll reevaluate it later)
Number Of Times Your Heart Has Been Broken 1
Do You Get Along With Your Parents mostly
Do You Cuss haha like u need to ask
Do You Ever Wish You Had Another Name nope
Number Of Close Friends 1 maybe 2
Have You Ever Had A Crush On A Teacher yes 1st grade
Have Any Tatoos nope thinkin bout it though
Do You Have A Secret People Would Be Surprised By plenty
Are You A Virgin yup
What Theme Does Your Room Have idk, i have a hammock
How Do You Feel Right Now frustrated
Whats One Of Your Bad Qualities idk ask someone who doesnt like me
Whats One Of Your Good Qualities i can drink anything away :D
Last Time You Cried In School never
For Or Against Long Distance Relationships against GUD (Geographically UnDesirable)
Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex nope
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight dont know
Favorite Thing In Your Room hammock
Your Nickname(s) gido, italian sausage, guido, mexican batman, it goes on
alcoholic beverage anyone? (with pics)

jack daniels
You are jack daniels, Your the one whose just chilling without a care in the world. You would be the blabbering drunk at a party, but you do it well with jack by your side. A few more drinks you say, keep it up your strong and keep the party going. it's alive!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What football postion fits you best?

Offensive LInemen
Your the kind of person that gets down and dirty to do your job, You like knowing that what you are doing is helping your team by you destroying the guy infront of you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

Football, Paintball, Skiing, Music, and anything that gives an adrenaline rush.good friends will help you move. REALLY good friends will help you move bodies. This is the all time greatest car in the WORLD! Take the quiz:
What kind of muscle car are you?

1967 Shelby GT 500
You are a 1967 Shelby GT 500. You love your car because it's rare. You know you can whoop on most other cars, but you tend not to because you don't want to scratch your paint. You try to keep as many miles off of your car as you can.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


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Boondock Saints is my all time favorite, but there are too many to list.


Family Guy


Yea, I don't do a lot of that whole reading thing.


Ninja Turtles