designing, packaging, graphics design, arts and crafts, toys, photography, miniatures!, babysitting, watching movies, and daydreaming!
inspiring people who knows what they do and loves what they do...
Evanescence, wolf gang, mariah carey, instrumental music from classical to contemporary.
Kundun, Empire of the Sun, LOTR, The way home, 50 first dates, Amelie, My Sassy Girl, Azumi, Jacky Chan movies, Indie films, some anime and some of the works of Akira Kurosawa.
E.R., Will and Grace, Queer Eye, Gilmore Girls, Lifestyle channel shows, etc...
catcher in the rye, the alchemist, harry potter, LOTR, Like water for chocolate, the giver, chronicles of narnia, adobe photoshop tips and tricks, ID and packaging books, etc.
Duncan Mcloud :)