*k-hall...=)? profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

- the names karlyy. I can be shy if i dont know you well :) ahaha . i like partyingg a lot [getten HAMMMERDD], and playing sports -keeping in shape.Ask me if u wanna know more=)!!?likes?-ice caps,red bull,MY FRIENDS polka layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Basics
Name: Karly Hall
Birthday: July 11th 1990
Birthplace: C-townn
Current Location: Blenheim
Color: limegreen aqua hot pink black
Drink: red bull*ice caps*alcohal
Food: salad.pizza.candy.ice cream.vegetables

Animal: cats.monkeys.flemingos.tigers
Place: mexico.dominican. somewhere i feel relaxed& happy:)
Movie(s): scarey&funny ones
Band/Singer: Led Zeppelin.Benny Banassi.Black Sabbeth.lotsss
Song(s): lots&lots
Subject: gym.english.art
Number: 4
Sport: like almost all of them!!
Body Part of the Opposite Sex: uhmmm penis.- KIDDING. eyes

Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5-5
Best Physical Feature: pfft. duno.
Personality: nice but honest&moody haha
Bedtime: hm never
Most Missed Memory: LOTS.
Pet Peeves: bitches. dirty sluts, ppl that cant speak the truth. & drama
First Thought Waking Up: i dont want to go to school orrr gunna be a great day aha
Weakness: getting rejected.& getting put down lol
Fears: clowns. hah
Desires: hmmmm...
One or the Other
Black/White: Black
Pepsi/Coke: Coke
Walk/Run: RUN
Business/Pleasure: bothh
Hugs/Kisses: kisses. well both tho
Give/Receive: hm both
Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
Dark/Milk/White Chocolate: ??
Summer/Winter: SUMMER
Now/Later: Now
Dog/Cat: Cat
Rap/Punk: punk
Comedy/Horror (movies): both!
LOVE/MONEY: hmm both haha
Looks/Personality: uhmm not suree.
Smoked? Yess
Drank? hells yess
Done Drugs? mmhm ya
Been Drunk? oh yea haaa
Skinny Dipped? yup
Streaked? suree
Shoplifted? yaa when i was littlelmao
Cheated?(on a test, etc.) yess
Cheated?(on someone) hm no?
Been Cheated On? yeaah
Been In Love? hm almost..
# of regrets from the past: uhm lots and lots :(
Country you want to visit: hm , cuba.amsterdam,hawaii.california
Are you a health freak? i quess haha
Think you're attractive? noope/
Want to get married? yea i think.
Want kids? No.
Have your future kids' names picked out?
Like thunderstorms? yess
Do you sing? yess
Do you swear? yeaaa, really bad
Shower daily? yeaa
What's your style? hmm everything?
Have a Favorite word?//what is it? bangs.(shannon) yeaaah fuckk. hha
Hate Anyone? yess.
What are you wearing? roxy sweater and jeans
What's your current mood? kind of sad
Do you believe in destiny? i quess