meltedARTS profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I can't remember imagining the scene, but someone told me that the truth lived within a dream...and if you pursued the path to the end, you would find the treasure that awaited you. All you need is some kind of faith. Now, I don't recommend the church, or any prison of the soul. I just ask you to believe in your self...your best friend. He's the guy that resides behind your eyes.
A butcher was opening his market one morning and as he did a rabbit popped his head through the door. The butcher was surprised when the rabbit inquired 'Got any cabbage?' The butcher said 'This is a meat market  we sell meat, not vegetables.' The rabbit hopped off. The next day the butcher is opening the shop and sure enough the rabbit pops his head round and says 'You got any cabbage?' The butcher now irritated says 'Listen you little rodent I told you yesterday we sell meat, we do not sell vegetables and the next time you come here I am going to grab you by the throat and nail those floppy ears to the floor.' The rabbit disappeared hastily and nothing happened for a week. Then one morning the rabbit popped his head around the corner and said 'Got any nails?' The butcher said 'No.' The rabbit said 'Ok. Got any cabbage?'
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My Interests

Where does a General keep his armies? In his sleevies.

I'd like to meet:


Air, AlexiMurdoch, TheAmericanAnalogSet, AndrewBird, ArchitechtureInHelsinki, AstrudGilberto, Autechre, BaxterDury, Beirut, BelleAndSebastian, BenFolds, BigStar, BillieHoliday, BillyBragg, TheBlackHeartProcession, Blondie, BoardsOfCanada, Bonnie"Prince"Billy, BrianEno, BrokenSocialScene, RichardBuckner, Buscemi, TheBuzzcocks, Califone, CAN, Caribou, TheCars, CatPower, CheapTrick, ClapYourHandsSayYeah, CocoRosie, TheCure, DavidBowie, DeathCabForCutie, Descendents, DesmondDekker, Devo, Donovan, DuranDuran, ElectricLightOrchestra, Elefant, EllaFitzgerald, ElliottSmith, ElvisCostello, TheFairlineParkway, FieldMusic, TheFieryFurnaces, ForStars, Fugazi, GangOfFour, GodspeedYouBlackEmperor!, Gomez, Grandaddy, GuidedByVoices, Hardfloor, Herbaliser, HuskerDu, Islands, JesusAndMaryChain, JimO'Rourke, JonathanRichman, JoshRouse, JoyDivision, KingsOfConvenience, KingsOfLeon, TheKinks, KruderAndDorfmeister, LeeScratchPerry, M.Ward, MazzyStar, MC5, MercuryRev, Milosh, MinorThreat, Minutemen, TheMisfits, ModestMouse, Mogwai, Mojave3, Motorhead, MyBloodyValentine, NeilYoung, NeutralMilkHotel, NickDrake, TheOneAMRadio, OperationIvy, TheOrb, PalaceMusic, Pavement, Phoenix, Phosphorescent, PinkFloyd, Pixies, Portishead, ThePostalService, ThePromiseRing, Ramones, Ratatat, RedHousePainters, TheReplacements, RhettMiller, Royksopp, RufusWainwright, TheSeaAndCake, SexPistols, TheShins, SigurRos, Slayer, Slowdive, Smog, SonicYouth, Spacemen3, Sparklehorse, Spiritualized, Squarepusher, Stereolab, SufjanStevens, T.Rex, TapesNTapes, Television, ThieveryCorporation, ThisWillDestroyYou, TomWaits, ValleyOfTheGiants, TheVelvetUnderground, Wilco, YoLaTengo, µ-Ziq


TheAdventuresOfBaronVonMunchausen, Amelie, TheAnniversaryParty, TheAristocrats, ArtSchoolConfidential, BestInShow, BigFish, TheBigLebowski, BlastFromThePast, TheBluesBrothers, BottleRocket, Brazil, TheBreakfastClub, CityOfGod, CityOfTheLostChildren, TheCommitments, DancerInTheDark, TheDarkCrystal, DazedAndConfused, DeadMan, Delicatessen, DonnieDarko, DownByLaw, E.T., EternalSunshineOfThePotlessMind, EvilDead, Fargo, FastTimesAtRidgemontHigh, LaFemmeNikita, 40YearOldVirgin, GardenState, GhostDog, GhostWorld, Go!, TheGoonies, Gremlins, Gummo, Happiness, HardEight, HaroldAndMaude, Heathers, HighFidelity, TheIceStorm, TheJerk, Krull, Labyrinth, TheLastStarfighter, LayerCake, LeonTheProfessional, TheLostBoys, Memento, OfficeSpace, PrettyInPink, ThePrincessBride, Quadrophenia, RaisingArizona, RepoMan, River'sEdge, TheRoyalTenenbaums, Rushmore, SayAnything, SexyBeast, ShaunOfTheDead, SidAndNancy, Singles, SixteenCandles, SomeKindOfWonderful, TheSquidAndTheWhale, StandByMe, StarWars:TheEmpireStrikesBack, StrangeBrew, StrangerThanFiction, THX-1138, There'sSomethingAboutMary, Trainspotting, Tron, TrueRomance, UntilTheEndOfTheWorld, WaitingForGuffman, WildAtHeart


It sucks. Except for LOST.


How to be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul


are people, too.