This Halloween party is going to be fanFUCKINGtastic! The main event is the first ever pageant celebrating Philly's finest oddballs and outcasts of every variety. Who will be crowned the Biggest Phreak in Town? Needles Jones will be hosting, so there's a pretty high standard. Come flaunt your brand of weird and compete to take home the crown.
The Purple Generals , Broken Prayers , and Rich Hillen Jr. & the Hillside Wranglers will be flaunting their brand of parlor music, and the Amazing Vinnstigater will keep the monsters mashing.
Things are going down Friday October 26, at the RUBA Hall which is located at 414 Green Street (fifth and Green, one block north of Spring Garden). Anyone not wearing a costume will be frowned upon.
Admission to the party is $10 at the door and $5 for confirmed phreak pageant contenders. **This is a benefit for the Andrea Collins-Smith brood, one of coolest little clans o' phreaks to be found. (Visit if you have your doubts.)
Raffles! Booze! Music! Prizes! Food! Congregation of Strange! Cranky little Russian dude (Val) and blithely bitter Silk City vets Sucifer and Manders bartending! Dress up! Oh my stars!