I am the person who used to love shopping very much!... wasting money :(....i like shoessss!..... bags.... make-up! (but not for me).... love DANCING (malay traditional or modern).... bangles... kids... singing... dreaming about my darling.... eating... travelling... watching.... hockey.. netball, ANYTHING about MY DARLING!!!
I cAn'T hArDlY wAiT tO MeEt My DaRlInG My BaBy!!!! MiSs HiM SoOoOoO MuChHhHhH!!!! AnD nOt FoRgEtTiNg My LoNg LoSs FrEnSsss....
ShEiLa On 7, BeAtLeS, CeLiNe DiOn, CaKe, UtAdA HiKaRu, KiRoRo, KeLlY ClArKsOn, ChRiStInA AgUiLeRa... aNyThInG ThAt's NiCe To HeAr AnD MeAnInGfUl....
jUsT HAPPY ENDING MoViEs!!! AnD ANIMATION ToO!!! LOTR, MiGhTy DuCks!! I love to watch both Drew and Adam's Movies..... really like them!!
GiLmOrE GiRlS, SmAlLvIlLe, CSI, ALIAS, FeAr FaCtOr, WiNtEr SoNaTa, BeAuTiFuL LiFe, GoOd LuCk....
I hAtE rEaDiNg, BuT OnCe If I ReAd A bOoK AnD KiNdA LiKe ThE StOrIes... I cAn FiNisH ReAdInG iT iN JuSt OnE NiGhT!!
My DaRLiNg.. TaKuYa! AnD My DaD....