For the sake of Clarity-
I'm Syn. Yes I'm a Mom and I love every minute of it . And no I couldn't care less about what you think. He is the best part of every day and no one should feel guilty about being a single parent. No I'm not looking for someone to be my son's "Daddy", all he needs is me and bet your sweet ass I can do it on my own. And FYI just because I'm 22 and have a kid doesn't mean I'm a whore, chances are I've been with less people than you, seriously . I've been a "goody-two- shoes" almost from birth, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to party. My son was not an accident , I didn't get "knocked up", I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, and I rarely drink. I'm strong, independant, opinionated, loyal, and I fuckin rock. I'll be your best friend or your worst enemy, choice is yours. Either way, don't fuck with me...
-------->The Girl Named Syn ♥
I've been Rated: