Kristen profile picture


About Me

the first word most people use to describe me is 'laid back', i suppose i'll claim it. I'm laid back, easy going, no drama. Maybe this will help give you an idea of who i am...i am from Lubbock TX, went to college at Ole Miss because one of my highschool friends said i should...never even saw the campus, so why not...Got to school and the only job on campus was in the Journalism Dept, so i took it, then decided 'hey, i should just major in journalism', accidentally stumbled upon a job selling ads for the campus paper while delivering papers to the newsroom...and here i am today, after selling ads for PASTE Magazine, moving on to yet another ad sales job at American Songwriter...All to say, i like to go with the flow...
I am a new mother and am loving the wonders of motherhood. My daughter Veda is beautiful and makes me laugh. I love people, well, the people that I like, I love . I've always wanted to be a counselor...but don't think it is in the cards. I also have the idea to start a low budget interior design business or a invitation/poster/flyer design company or a record label for all my friends, Ready Set Records...we already have the logo. I also want to go to Africa, the thought makes my heart beat faster. I love to help people. Let me know how i can help you.
.. Myspace Layout

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone that can fly. i'd really like to learn how. or maybe just someone that can speak somalian - is that what the language is called? whatever language it is that the African Somali Bantu tribe speaks... If you know it i'll be your best friend.

My Blog

Veda's Website

Thought you might want to check out these new pictures of Veda. Cheers, Kristen
Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:49:00 GMT