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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me
I am a Single Mom to 3 Great KidsAnd I have now decided to tell them that when I use to say to them "sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you " thats all CRAP Words Hurt more than any punch or kick . So PLEASE ALLWAYS THINK BEFORE SAYING ANYTHING, words cannot be taken back a bruise or cut heals.
Alittle about youre life!!
Whats youe full name? Sanni C*l^m*n
Whens youre b_day? September
Where do you live? Exeter
Where were you born? Webster Ma
Are u close to youre parets? Yes
Do u beleive in GOD? yes
Whats youre fav?
Place to shop? Kohls / Walmart
Season in the year? Spring & Fall
Number? 12
Thing to do with friends? Chat / Hang out
Thing to do with the opposite sex? HMMMMM
Holiday? Christmas
Vacation spot? Some place warm
Thing about youre self? eyes, boobs (outside) kindness, honor (inside)
About life? My kids
Which one?
Peanuts or popcorn? popcorn
Football or Basketball? Football
Straight or curly? Straight (because I am curly)
Naughty or nice? Naughty
Rough or Gentle? Both
Heaven or Hell? Heaven
Mom or Dad? Mom (Dad has past)
Friend or Gf/Bf? Friend
Night or day? day
Hot Chocolate or Coffe? Hot Chocolate / Tea
Strawberrys or Cherries? Cherries
Smart or pretty? Both
Cali or Florida? Florida
Airplaine or Boat? Hmmmm long distance .... Airplane
Car or Truck? Truck
Cat or Dog? Dog but have Cats
Rain or Snow? hard to say we have had tooo much snow
Hot or cold? Hot
Love or Money? Can I have both???
Perfect or Unperfect? Nothing is Perfect
Opposite sex~~~~
Do u have a gf/bf, or maybe a crush? Crush
Are u talking to some 1? Sure
Whats their name? ??
How much do u like them from 1 to 10? 8
Do they do anything u dont like? I am sure
How seriuos is it? Not
Do u beleive in love? yes
Have u ever been in love? yes
Have u ever cheated on any 1? yes
Had ur heart broken? yes
Broken some 1 elses heart? yes
What do u look for in a mate? Well besides that.. .. RESPECT,kindness,
Fav thing about this person? you really don't want me to tell you
Do u think its worth youre time? don't know but it's all good for now
Random Questions~~!!
Whos youre bestie? I don't pick favorites
Why are they youre bestie? No Bestie
Whos youre ex? Wayne
Do u miss any one in youre life? My Daddy
Whats the sweetest any has done 4 u? Got me the help I needed when I needed it (Wayne)
Whats the meanest thing some 1 has done 2 u? people can be mean is so many ways.Its hard to pick
What are youre career goals? To find something I truely love to do
DO u want to get married? Done it once.... Next would have to be guaranteed forever
How many kids do u want? 3 is Enough LOL
DO u have names for ur children? Sure do. On good days Tom, Briana, Joseph bad days ask them LOL
Wheres one place u would love to go? ON VACATION...
Do u have any pets? Cats & Fish
Whast youre fav hang out? Home
Who do u hate? Nobody / Hate is a BIG word
Do u love and beleive in youre self? Yes
Do u live w youre parents? Not since I was 15 Lucky them
DO u think u will go to heaven? Yes
Do u go to church? no
Do u do drugs? NO
Do u ahve sex? Yes
Have u been with more than 10 ppl sexually? Nope
Are u a player? HAHA
Are u unique? In my own way
Do u prey? prey? no pray? sure (I really feel the need to correct the spelling in this survey)
Are u happy? Somewhat
Most recent events!!
Whens the last time u cried? Friday
Whos the last peron u said "I love u" too? Briana
Whos the last person u hugged? hmmm
Last person u kissed? Joe
Whens the last time u lied? don't know
Whos the last peron u talked to on the fone? Deneen
Whos the last person's house u went to? Moms
What are u wearing now? Jeans, Turtle Neck, Denim shirt , slippers, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE WARMTH
When are going to bed? in bed 9ish asleep 11:30 - 12:00
Last person u went on a date with? ???
Last time u saw ur parents? Mom Yesterday , Daddy 2/2/04
Last time u got drunk? Tried to Friday
Last time u went to the club? Can't Remember
Whens the last time u laughed? Last night
Whast the last car u rode in? My Dream Car at 16 1987 Red BMW my daughters car
Who are thinking about now? Hmmmmmm
Whens the last time u fought with a friend? Too old for that crap
Whats the last thing u set as a goal? my secret ...
Whens the last time u filled out a survey like this? a while ago ...... When I was bored
Real talk...Up close and personal!! SURVEY @ MyHotQuiz
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glitter-graphics.comYou probably wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do. Olin Miller
glitter-graphics.comThe male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things. Jilly Cooper
glitter-graphics.comIt is always easier to believe than to deny. Our minds are naturally affirmative. John Burroughs US essayist & naturalist (1837 - 1921)

My Interests

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Reading,My computer, visiting the electric beach :) (my saying is tan fat looks better than white fat) LOL. My Family has been my rock, Thanks Mom, Deneen & Sherry. My Kids they are growing so fast its unbelievable! I enjoy every bit of raising them or atleast try :) Let me tell you raising teenagers is an experience and we all need to THANK OUR PARENTS!!! AND PROBABLY APPOLIGIZE! lol I know I did! One thing my kids need to know is that Ive been there and done that so you can't fool me :)

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My all time favorite movie is Pretty Woman, The Notebook, Lake House, I Love Christmas Movies .. cuddled on the couch with the kids on a cold snow day


I LOVE ELLEN!!! Extreme Makeover Home Edition
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Been arrested? As a minor, I don't think it was an arrest more like detained
Kissed someone you didn't like? NO
Do you like someone? Yes
Kissed someone on your top friends? Yes
Held a snake? Yes
Been suspended from school? yes
Sang karaoke? actually No
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? YES
Laughed until you started crying? Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Kissed in the rain? Yes
Sang in the shower? Yes
Sat on a roof top? Yes
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Not that I remember
Broken a bone? Toe
Shaved your head? No
Played a prank on someone? LOL Yes
Made an ex girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes
Shot a gun? Yes....... I don't really like guns
Donated Blood? No
Had your heart broken? YES
Broken someone's heart? yes
Who Was Your Last...: I don't kiss and tell
Person you made love to? I don't kiss and tell
You hung out with? Paul
You texted? Shawn
You were in a car with? Paul
Went to the movies with? Briana and her friends
Went to the mall with? hmmm Maybe Briana
You talked on the phone? Always Deneen
Made you laugh? Deneen
You hugged? Joe
You cried with? I usually cry alone
Would You Rather...:
Peck or Frenchie? Frenchie
Be serious or be funny? Both
Drink whole or skim milk? 1%
Die in a fire or get shot? Shot
Sun or moon? Sun
Winter or Fall? Fall
Left or Right? Right
Bottom or Top? TOP
Sunny or rainy? Sunny
100% Honest...:
Where do you live? Exeter, NH
Do you want to get married? Only if it's forever
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
Have you ever eaten S.P.A.M? probably.... but I will say my kids never have
Do You Cook? Yes but don't like to
Current mood? Bored
In The Last 48 Hours Have You...:
Kissed someone? yes, I am a mom I am always giving kisses
Sang? Yes to Bella
Danced Crazy? No
Cried? Yes damn kids
Like someone you can't have? no
Have You Ever... SURVEY @ MyHotQuiz


glitter-graphics.comMy Daddy 9/26/49 - 2/2/04C:..Documents and Settings..Sanni..My Documents..My PhotoShows..DADDY HTML..flash_detected.html
glitter-graphics.comA piece of my heart died on 2/2/04" Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. " (Shannons Myspace page)