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About Me

Best Friends
Name 8 of your best friends
1: Chris
2: Nick R.
3: India
4: Marcus
5: Raven
6: Zach J.
7: Jazmyn
8: Ant
Label then:
Best advice: India
Funest person to annoy: Raven
Most Reliable: Chris
Best Hug: Raven
Most ghetto: Marcus
Best laugh: Ant
Best hair: India
Funniest: Nick
Most like you: India
Most not like you but somehow your best friends: Chris
Dorkiest: Jazmyn
Best stories: Zach
Best Myspace: India
1 have cool hair: Negative... Str8 Nigga
2 an artist: Hell no
3 speak another language: I dont think
4 in a relationship: Never know with that dude
5 someone who can make your day: When she wants to
6 good at dancing: LOL yes no homo but my nig can pop-lock
7 ghetto?: Not in the slightest
8 high maintnence?: Negative
Best thing about
1: Patented and Excessively Gets "THE LOOK"
2: Ratting Ability
3: Ratting Ability
4: Ratting Ability
5: Ratting Ability
6: Ratting Ability
7: Picture Taking Ability
8: Ratting Ability
What color is:
1's room: No Homo but I think itz White
2's dog?: 1 iz Black/Grey and 1 iz White
3's hair?: Black
4's backpack?: LOL he never brought it to school
5's eyeliner?: IDK she switches up sometimes
6's jacket?: IDK
7's eyes?: Brown
8's nails?: Thats gay as hell if I can give a color
Any inside jokes with 3?: DO WE??.... We got at least A MILLIE
Does 8 have a job?: Negative
Have you been to 2's house?: No Homo... Like everyday, itz next door
When did you meet 1?: Like 4th grade/Around 8 or 9
What was the first thing you talked about with 7?: I forgot
Is there a celebrity with 5's name?: LOL Raven Samoan
Do you look like 6?: Honestly a lot of ppl think so but I dont think so
Does 4 have a dog?: I dont think so
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