Toshi profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

So A little bit about myself...My name is Alyson but friends call me Aly, Toshi Or Uruha. I was born on November 18th 1985 which makes me a Scorpio woot. And for everyone who cant do the math that also makes me 23 years old. My favorite color is purple and always has been. Im Labled as being "Gothic" But im really not. Im Just myself. I love Sushi and could eat it everyday for the rest of my life. I have been in a relationship for the past 2 years. I love my friends and would do anything i could for them. I dont smoke and only drink when at partys. I was diagnosed with thyrod cancer in 2008 I had it removed on September 11th 2008 but there is always a chance it could return. I love watching movies more so horror and action movies. I love asian horror movies they are so messed up. I watch Anime and read Manga. I love to cosplay. Music is a big part of my life. I listen to Rock and Jrock. Dir en grey is my favorite band followed closely by The Gazette. I love playing video games the kind that make me think and take me a long time to beat. I have one cat named Yuki and miss my other cat Kyo everyday. I have Three Tattoos and want a whole lot more. I liked vampires before Twilight lol. Dragons are my Favorite Mystical creature and I love to dance and just be crazy.....End....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Kaoru my idol and Shinya. I have already met Toshiya, Die and Kyo from my favorite band. I would also like to meet The Gazette, DespairsRay, Miyavi,And Nightmare.THE INVISIBLE WALL

My Blog

Inward Scream Tour 07 - Dir en grey

So it all started Friday night when i got out of work at 7. I went to Kao's house droped off my car and than we both wen to go pick up Dai and Osaka from the ferry. We all went back to my dads house a...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 13:22:00 GMT

Family Values Tour..Part Two

First off MapQuest is EVIL!!! Now. Friday night we left a little after 7 after i got off work and went to pick up shannon at her house. than Me and Shannon went to Kyo's and got our crap into the car ...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 12:41:00 GMT

Family Values Tour. Part 1

First on friday night Shannon Kyo and Dai came over my house to sleep over. We stayed up all night intill like 4:30am just talking about Dir en grey. We woke up about 8:00am saterday morning. I took a...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 17:06:00 GMT

Dir en grey Concert!!!!

The dir en grey concert i saw last night march 21st omg OMG. Ok lets start at the begining. We (Me Kyo and Dai) left long island and got to New York City around 11:30 12:00. Already the line was aroun...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 06:44:00 GMT