2007 began in conflict (both musical and personel) and the only thing to do was disband The Hew Hefner Spanking comity.
This band (Untidy Execution) was formed with myself on guitar and vocals, my musical guide Pascale on drums. This nucleus of the previous incarnation joined forces with bass player Olivier Redon and singer/songwriter/guitarist Mitch McBain who, for family reasons, has since left the area.
Soon after recording the six tile demo Oick It Up Olivier Redon was called upon by his rather odly composed family to take care of his seriously ill and somewhat deminished father. A sad prospect indeed for a 20 year old man. Our heart goes out to him and we wish him all the power in the world in handling his new obligations.
Olivier has now been replaced by Mulla Davide and his Belgrade Bass
We hope that the changes don't offend our friends but there is no going back.
In fact our determination not to be dictated to is stronger than ever and our self_belief is absolutely intact. We therefore intend to avoid having our right to express our artistic vision hijacked by impressionable people in the future. Shit man, there ain't no choice but to live for yourself is there? Do that and let the others live for themselves. That's being a tolerent human. That' being generous. Don't need higher powers to show you that, do ya?Question:
Are the photos in the slide show below of our drummer's private parts Our new bass player's back passage or my vocal cords.Warning :
Singers watch out for the dreaded larangitis. Took six months of weekly voice therapy and daily exercising to get from before to after.
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