Terry Guy profile picture

Terry Guy

About Me

Place of Birth: London, England
Date of Birth: 24/07/85
Current Projects: I am currently recording my forthcoming debut album “So Much To Say, So Little Time,” and organising a Music Video Shoot for my forthcoming single “He Really Likes Me,” for a 2010 release.
Instruments: Rhythm Guitar & Lead/Backing Vocals
Musical Style: Pop Punk/ PowerPop/ Rock
Forthcoming Music Releases (2010/No specific dates are available as of yet):
1. He Really Likes Me (Single/E.P Independent Release, including B-Sides)
2. So Much To Say, So Little Time (Debut Album/ Independent Release)
click here to hear more songs by Terry Guy at LAST FM

click here to hear more songs by Terry Guy at BandIzmo

click here to hear more songs by Terry Guy at Unsigned.com

Current aims: I am currently advertising for gay or gay-friendly musicians who are influenced or inspired by the same genres of music to join my live band. Auditions to be held soon and for more info just e-mail me at [email protected] (you can find out my influences below). FAN MAILING LIST- all you need to do is e-mail me at [email protected] with your questions or feedback, and I will definitely update you on future exclusives, forthcoming merchandise and gigs.
About Terry Guy: Hi everyone! I am Terry Guy, a new gay music artist from South-East London, and I’m currently finishing my debut studio album, which I’ve been wanting to share with the rest of the world for a pretty long time now, and I’ve finally been given the opportunity to do so. I am currently working with producers Julian Chown from Joules Productions ("You're Makin' Me Feel Sexy," "People P*ss Me Off"), and Samuel Harris from Colourfield Productions ("He Really Likes Me," "Fag Hag,") on tracks from the forthcoming album. Towards the end of this year I will also be working at Applebeam Studios with producer Ghost on tracks such as "My Straight Lover," and "Men." I hope very much that you enjoy the tracks which are available to hear on MySpace at the moment, as well as my album when it is released in early 2010, and there will be more tracks available to hear from the forthcoming album, prior to the release, during this summer, which I will definitely keep you updated on through Bulletins, Blogs and Messages. There will be b-sides on all the single releases and exclusive tracks which will be released on request and during 2010. For the time being my intentions on MySpace is to get to know you all, and share my lyrics and my music with you all. Also, I’m in the process of putting a band together for my live act, and would like very much to meet gay or gay-friendly musicians who would like to be part of this fun project, which will involve gigging loads on the gay scene, as well as on the indie/rock scene, and delivering some really fun, cool, entertaining shows for the future fans. I am very sociable, outgoing and friendly, so please don't hesitate to leave me a message if you are interested in being part of the live band and the making of the forthcoming music videos for "You're Makin' Me Feel Sexy," and “He Really Likes Me.” I would also like to put this band together so I can share this experience with a group of fantastic people, who are just as ambitious as I am- “PUNK ROCK BABY!”. Hope you enjoy "Beat Up My Boyfriend," and Terry Guy also has a BLOG of the lyrics to some of his other songs, as well as the first poem he wrote (more blogs to follow). Many thanks for checking out MySpace.
Lyrics: I have a "Song Lyrics" Blog available for you to check out. Some of my songs have been inspired by personal experiences (forthcoming track “Weep”), but I don’t like to keep things too serious. I like to talk about my comical sexual experiences with men (like you’ll hear on “You’re Makin’ Me Feel Sexy”), as well as subjects based solely on political or social issues, such as homophobia, racism, sexism etc. (forthcoming tracks “F*** (So What?)” and “Fag Hag” lyrically explore this). I also refer, mainly to my pessimistic view on modern relationships, which you will find I write from both a personal and an outside perspective (“Beat Up My Boyfriend,” “Goes Without Saying”), and let’s not forget the anger of the world, or the ignorance of the world (“You or Nothing”). I have an ALBUM LYRICS blog, and songs titles on this blog will increase towards the first single release (as of yet, not confirmed). I'll definitely keep you updated.
Influences: I idolise Bif Naked and Alanis Morissette, and for his song writing I really look up toTim Armstrong (Rancid). I love pop/rock artists Skye Sweetnam and Avril Lavigne, and the first artist I ever fell in love with was Buddy Holly (Buddy and Madonna I fully respect for maintaining the control over their career). Ramones and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts are two of my favourite bands along with many others, and thoroughly respect Pete Shelley for his honestly and his fearless attitude when speaking openly about his sexuality on the album “Homosapien.” (I love Pete), and of course there’s many more...


My Interests


Member Since: 15/08/2005
Band Members:

Currently seeking other musicians who would
like to be part of Terry Guy's live band. If
you are interested and would like to knowmore information on how to audition, please
do not hesitate to message Terry Guy on
here, or at

[email protected]

Thank you for checking out Terry Guy's profile.


Bif Naked, Alanis Morissette, The Distillers,
Avril Lavigne, Ramones, Tim Armstrong (Rancid),
Skye Sweetnam, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts,
Pete Shelley, and many more....

Sounds Like: Entirely up to you! You decide!
Record Label: UNSIGNED!
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog


"BEAT UP MY BOYFRIEND"- what's it all about?No, I have never beaten up my boyfriend. In fact I've never had a boyfriend before. I've dated men and had a huge number of one-night stands with men, but n...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 12:19:00 GMT


He Really Likes Me- what's it all about?Him- He approached meMe- I was thinking "Great," in a sarcastic tone obviously.Him- He asked me if I wanted a drinkMe- I said "no."Him- He insistedMe- I said "n...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 11:45:00 GMT


"FAG HAG"- what's it all about?If a woman is seen socialising with a hetrosexual male, may be even wearing  quite revealing clothing, then she is classed, by the hetrosexual male, as a "slut" or a "wh...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 11:40:00 GMT

Musicians Wanted for Live Band ("New Upcoming Artist" TERRY GUY)

http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/ad.php?t=3...Solo singer/songwriter Terry Guy is currently putting together a Live Band for his Solo Act at future/upcoming gigs to help promote his forthcoming...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 13:31:00 GMT

ALBUM SONG LYRICS (from current recordings)

WEEP verse 1 pale white skin, blue eyes and black hair i knew it was you the first moment i saw you standing there i never thought there would be a time where we were breathing the same air you are th...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 07:05:00 GMT


Psychological Space Where do I begin, I don't know where Some things have died, like the colour of my hair Memories I only assumed had been buried Arose from a place I didn't know existed A place to m...
Posted by on Sat, 24 May 2008 09:44:00 GMT