cream eggs and mods and my mister mod terence :] and pinup girls and archers and lemonade and laughing at freederm because it looks like sperm and dove deodorant and music that makes me smile/dance/cry and kissing and cuddling and wkds and avon stuff and myspace and the word and and friends and scarfs and stars and love hearts and things with skulls on and sandwhichs with two types of meat in (haha emma) and bags and fun and crying at being myself and moaning about everything and the small faces and sunshine and books and philosophical thinking (hehe) and the colour red and makeup and short hair and disliking papercuts and london and topshop and slipper boot things and baths rather than showers and music and betty boop shiz and ben sherman and loving you the way i do and HnM and ze family of hughes and obsessing over sillyness and jesus of suburbia and cider and staying in bed and waking up early and school and still not knowing the rules of darts and putting stuff off to the last min and not saying what i really thing and bottling stuff up inside untill i go a bit mental and nail varnish and only sleeping with one pillow and coffee and cheese and loud times and using my inside voice and saint james' park and wanting a picnic blanket and minstrels and mittens and jeans and leggings and free gigs and borededness and afraid of being alone and herions and wanting to be rich and the three most important days ever...11th July, 15th November and 25th March...and laughing at all sorts of twisted stuff and knowing that il never make polka dots fill your eyes because im going to be your dotty forever
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music i can dance and sing too
films that make me smile
trash tv =]
intresting books that people dont only read because the papers say they are good
thinking about it...there are many people i look up to