adopt your own virtual pet!
Ummmmm ok
Im a 21 year old Nursing Student
Im spontaneous, and wheeeeee, oh look a kitty.
I talk too much and tend to talk in my own strange little dialect which only select few can understand.
Umm I fall......alot, ok well all the time, even out of the shower, and occasionally I land in a trash can.
Im a big goofy ass fat guy that talks alot.
Im am happily un-single, and I luv my keri alot!
Ok wellll.........um thats all ima say, and trust me that is a rare occasion.
My full name is...: Too Long
My birthday is on...: September 27
My hair color is...: Brownish Blond
My eye color is...: Blue/Green
My birthstone is...: I have no fucking clue
My favorite month is...: Duh September
My favorite season is...: Spring
My favorite sport is...: Drag Racing
My favorite hobby is...: See Also: Favorite Sport
My favorite color is...: Black, but since black is really an abscence of color well go with blue
I have (this number of) siblings; they are...: 2, retarded
My favorite animal is...: Doggies Damnit
My favorite song is...: Hungry Like the Wolf
My favorite superhero is...: Captain Unecessary (I created him, isnt that special?)
~*Do You...*~:
...smoke?: Yep
...drink alcohol?: Yep
...party a lot?: not really
...plan to have an education after high school? If so, what major(s)?: Yes, nursing
...like to talk way too much?: well some people like to say I talk too much. But im not sure, I mean I dont think my talkngs that excessive. Besides who determines weather someones talking is too excessive
...like to swim?: Yessiree Bob
...enjoy mudwrestling as a hobby?: never tried it
...still find cartoons amusing?: sure
...play with bubble wrap often?: whenever someone gives me some
...have a job?: full time student
...always speak with correct grammar?: hey yall
...know correct grammar?: why of course
...have a crush on someone? If so, who?: yep, Keri I wuv her!!!
...have a favorite Sesame Street character?: Snufellufegus
~*Can I...*~
...sing?: Yes, quite well (yes I do have an ego, thank you very much)
...whistle?: yep
...cook?: I like food
...ride a bicycle?: Uh huh
...drive an automobile?: yes
...drive an automobile well?: in very straight lines, at well over 130.....id say thats well
...juggle?: nope two left hands
...moonwalk?: i struggle to walk normally
...play an instrument? If so, which one(s)?: Keyboard, Drums
...swim?: Yep
...walk a tight-rope?: Again not really all that well balanced
...multi-task?: See Also: Attention Deficit Disorder
...hold my breath for over 2 minutes?: Im a smoker, what do you think?
...hold my academics to a high standard?: Definitely
My nicknames are...: Bubba
I live with...: My family or Keri
My age is...: 21
I want to be a(n) ______ when I grow up.: Robot
Animals are...: Fuzzy, unless its a non fuzzy type of animal
My favorite day of the week is...: Friday
Tinky Winky the Teletubby is...: Who DO I look like Jerry Fallwell, I dont give a shit if the teletubbies have orgies and such
I am an (inside/outside) person.: insideout person
My personality, in less than 10 words, would be...: Spastic, Goofy, Hyperactive, Caring, Loving
I take _____ (baths/showers/both/neither).: I prefer to call them "Aquatic spray clensing sessions"
I think school is...: peachy keen
My favorite style(s) of music is/are...: Eclectic, I listen to everything
My family is...: Fucking Awesome
I don't like mariachi bands...okay, that's not a question, but you know...: Hey, I like the guy with the big guitar!!!
~*Yes or No?*~
I like politics.: Yes
Cheerleading is a sport.: For People WIth 2 Braincells, Possibly
I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.: Yep
I sleep after I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.: Yep
I get drunk on New Year's Eve.: Sure
I am Christian.: Nope
My name is Christian.: Slater?
Mondays can be good.: Sometimes
I wake up as soon as my alarm goes off...the first time.: Never
I would travel in outer space (even with the risks) if requested to.: Yes
I would spare someone's life (even a stranger) with my own.: hmmmmm Depends
I was/am a Girl Scout/Cub Scout.: no
I like cheese.: cool me too
I've been out of the country before.: negative ghostrider
I live in a mansion.: no
I am afraid of heights.: no
I am a virgin.: I cant say that I am
I curse often.: Fuck
I can tie my own shoes.: Yea
Sedentary activities are the best.: No cuz sitting too long makes my butt go numb
I am a U.S. citizen.: Yes
I've taken a collegiate test (ACT/SAT).: no
If yes on previous question:I scored at or above a 50th percentile.: I would if I had taken it
I can dress myself.: Well I guess it depends on what you consider "Dressed"
When the electricity goes out, I end up dressing with two different shoes.: No
I know binary code.: 001010010100101001010101
I like school.: Yeaaa School
I wear glasses.: Yes
I wear contacts.: no
I have/had braces.: nah
I have broken a limb before.: why yes I have broken a tree branch, broke an arm once too
I appreciate the arts.: Why yes, thanks for asking
Disney movies are cool.: Hell Yea
I sometimes read the dictionary for fun.: are you on crack?
I exercise philanthropic skills in life. (I am kind to everyonel.): no
I am THE GOAT!: thats cool and all, but how old are you?
I like the song "YMCA".: Its fun when your in a large crowd
I am optimistic: mostly
I am tired of this survey.: nah I like questions
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