THIS IS MY INSIDE VOICE! profile picture


Listen to the wise and mighty Olmec!

About Me

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Ummmmm ok
Im a 21 year old Nursing Student Im spontaneous, and wheeeeee, oh look a kitty.
I talk too much and tend to talk in my own strange little dialect which only select few can understand. Umm I fall......alot, ok well all the time, even out of the shower, and occasionally I land in a trash can. Im a big goofy ass fat guy that talks alot. Im am happily un-single, and I luv my keri alot! Ok thats all ima say, and trust me that is a rare occasion.
My full name is...: Too Long
My birthday is on...: September 27
My hair color is...: Brownish Blond
My eye color is...: Blue/Green
My birthstone is...: I have no fucking clue
My favorite month is...: Duh September
My favorite season is...: Spring
My favorite sport is...: Drag Racing
My favorite hobby is...: See Also: Favorite Sport
My favorite color is...: Black, but since black is really an abscence of color well go with blue
I have (this number of) siblings; they are...: 2, retarded
My favorite animal is...: Doggies Damnit
My favorite song is...: Hungry Like the Wolf
My favorite superhero is...: Captain Unecessary (I created him, isnt that special?)
~*Do You...*~:
...smoke?: Yep
...drink alcohol?: Yep a lot?: not really
...plan to have an education after high school? If so, what major(s)?: Yes, nursing to talk way too much?: well some people like to say I talk too much. But im not sure, I mean I dont think my talkngs that excessive. Besides who determines weather someones talking is too excessive to swim?: Yessiree Bob
...enjoy mudwrestling as a hobby?: never tried it
...still find cartoons amusing?: sure with bubble wrap often?: whenever someone gives me some
...have a job?: full time student
...always speak with correct grammar?: hey yall
...know correct grammar?: why of course
...have a crush on someone? If so, who?: yep, Keri I wuv her!!!
...have a favorite Sesame Street character?: Snufellufegus
~*Can I...*~
...sing?: Yes, quite well (yes I do have an ego, thank you very much)
...whistle?: yep
...cook?: I like food
...ride a bicycle?: Uh huh an automobile?: yes an automobile well?: in very straight lines, at well over say thats well
...juggle?: nope two left hands
...moonwalk?: i struggle to walk normally an instrument? If so, which one(s)?: Keyboard, Drums
...swim?: Yep
...walk a tight-rope?: Again not really all that well balanced
...multi-task?: See Also: Attention Deficit Disorder
...hold my breath for over 2 minutes?: Im a smoker, what do you think?
...hold my academics to a high standard?: Definitely
My nicknames are...: Bubba
I live with...: My family or Keri
My age is...: 21
I want to be a(n) ______ when I grow up.: Robot
Animals are...: Fuzzy, unless its a non fuzzy type of animal
My favorite day of the week is...: Friday
Tinky Winky the Teletubby is...: Who DO I look like Jerry Fallwell, I dont give a shit if the teletubbies have orgies and such
I am an (inside/outside) person.: insideout person
My personality, in less than 10 words, would be...: Spastic, Goofy, Hyperactive, Caring, Loving
I take _____ (baths/showers/both/neither).: I prefer to call them "Aquatic spray clensing sessions"
I think school is...: peachy keen
My favorite style(s) of music is/are...: Eclectic, I listen to everything
My family is...: Fucking Awesome
I don't like mariachi bands...okay, that's not a question, but you know...: Hey, I like the guy with the big guitar!!!
~*Yes or No?*~
I like politics.: Yes
Cheerleading is a sport.: For People WIth 2 Braincells, Possibly
I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.: Yep
I sleep after I eat turkey on Thanksgiving.: Yep
I get drunk on New Year's Eve.: Sure
I am Christian.: Nope
My name is Christian.: Slater?
Mondays can be good.: Sometimes
I wake up as soon as my alarm goes off...the first time.: Never
I would travel in outer space (even with the risks) if requested to.: Yes
I would spare someone's life (even a stranger) with my own.: hmmmmm Depends
I was/am a Girl Scout/Cub Scout.: no
I like cheese.: cool me too
I've been out of the country before.: negative ghostrider
I live in a mansion.: no
I am afraid of heights.: no
I am a virgin.: I cant say that I am
I curse often.: Fuck
I can tie my own shoes.: Yea
Sedentary activities are the best.: No cuz sitting too long makes my butt go numb
I am a U.S. citizen.: Yes
I've taken a collegiate test (ACT/SAT).: no
If yes on previous question:I scored at or above a 50th percentile.: I would if I had taken it
I can dress myself.: Well I guess it depends on what you consider "Dressed"
When the electricity goes out, I end up dressing with two different shoes.: No
I know binary code.: 001010010100101001010101
I like school.: Yeaaa School
I wear glasses.: Yes
I wear contacts.: no
I have/had braces.: nah
I have broken a limb before.: why yes I have broken a tree branch, broke an arm once too
I appreciate the arts.: Why yes, thanks for asking
Disney movies are cool.: Hell Yea
I sometimes read the dictionary for fun.: are you on crack?
I exercise philanthropic skills in life. (I am kind to everyonel.): no
I am THE GOAT!: thats cool and all, but how old are you?
I like the song "YMCA".: Its fun when your in a large crowd
I am optimistic: mostly
I am tired of this survey.: nah I like questions
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Yahoo= oocomfortably_numboo
AIM= Ocom4tablynumbO
E-Mail= [email protected]

My Interests

Medicine, Music, Racing, and other assorted goodstuffs

I'd like to meet:

Stephen King .. width="425" height="350" ..


Gothic,Industrial, Post Punk, Punk, Metal, Ska, Electronica (Trance,House,D&B, Hardcore), Classic Rock, New Wave, And a pinch of Emo.Sublime and Jimmy Buffet stand as there very own special little gems on my list. (I know they seem out of place with my other musical taste, but hey im like a big musical cake with lots of layers)These are my main generes, I toss it up with lots of other stuff sometimes (I tend to dislike most country, although I can tolerate some of it for short periods) oh and BULLSTREET ROCKS (Colatown locals)


Cocktail, Full Metal Jacket, Underworld, BS's Dracula, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (old or new), and.. well pretty much any movie containing scary shit (vampires, warewolves, ghost and other paranormal things, and stuff) oh yea and I love a good psychological thriller, that is if you can find a good psychological thriller.


Dont watch much TV (Besides the few good movie channels), but when I do its mainly T.L.C., Discovery Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, G4 TV, or Cartoon Network (Yes I know Im a dork)


Ok Im not even gonna start on books, it would take way to much typing. I dont have much time to read anymore though, or maybye I just dont make time.


My Dog

My Blog

Random movies are great!!!!!

Allright so Keri and I have been watching lots of random movies lately, and I love watching movies with my KERI!!!This time it was Kung fu Hustle- I really dont know what to compare this one to!O...
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:23:00 PST


So I just realised this is the first time since last october that I blogged.Guess what...... I still have sinusitis...........
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:49:00 PST

Im Just Pissed......

Linkin Park "Hit The Floor" There are just too many times that people have tried to look inside of me Wondering what I think of you and I protect you out of courtesy Too many times that I've held on...
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:29:00 PST

Oh Happy Day....

So im sick and out of work for like three days, it so blows ass. I asked my docotor if I had to stay out for three days and she was like "uhhhh yea" So ive got sinusitis and tonsilitis that has appare...
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 04:41:00 PST

Well since everyone has a song stuck

Ill have a go at my stuck song then Another head hangs lowly, Child is slowly taken. And the violence caused such silence, Who are we mistaken? But you see, it's not me, it's not my family...
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 06:07:00 PST

Jesus Christ It Hurts

Ahhhhhh my wisdom teeth are flairing up this morining and ive got such a bad headache from it that my visions blurry and I feel like im gonna puke. I cant sleep it hurts too fucking bad. Oh well.... I...
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Sat, 01 Oct 2005 05:08:00 PST

Damn Im Tired

Damn im tired.........Yup And in other news I was gonnas play W.O.W. for a while before I went to bed this morning, but the servers are down damnit. So I guess Ill just go to bed, it was a long fuckin...
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 04:22:00 PST

Oh Bother

I had to get up at like 8:30 this morning to take my dog to the vet, the vet said if I wanted to cure her skin allergies Id have to move to Alaska (My Vets A Smartass), They gave her her usual Prednis...
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:25:00 PST

Hello World

Ok my freiend STEVEN (he he I love spelling it like that!!!) bugged me to get on myspace so I did. The End He he that was really uninteresting wasnt it!!!!!!
Posted by In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:43:00 PST