kling is a modern handbag company started by designer, Natasha Kimling Kwan. Our bags are graphically influenced. All bags have a contrasting, fun patterned interior. Our belief is that you should feel just as good looking in your bag as you do looking at it. All of our bags are made in the U.S.
Minis (wallet-sized bags) are available now and clutches will be available in May.
There's nothing more luxurious feeling than a kling handbag or wallet. They're so soft and supple, you'll never want to let them go. Our bags are eco-friendly and VOID of toxic chemicals like plasticizers, heavy metals, lead, proxylin, etc. Remember, what is on you is in you!
kling sells wholesale to retailers worldwide. If you are interested in having kling in your store or would like to know more about our line, please contact us at [email protected].