...and So Can YOU!
Hi and Welcome To My Page.
My Name Is Mike Langis, Owner Of...
I am 46 years old and live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I am married, and have two wonderful boys.
Here's Why You Should Give Me
The Time Of Day...
For 14 years I was a Financial Planner managing $90 million in the investment industry between my Division and my own personal Practice, for one of the largest investment firms in Canada.
Although, I was truly passionate about helping people achieve all their financial dreams I was beginning to feel that my practice owned most of my time, rather than me having more flexibility with my time.
After very long days for many years, and not seeing my family for more than a couple of hours a day, I made the decision to pursue Network Marketing, so I could spend more quality time with my wife and children.
At that time, I mentioned to a good friend who was already in Network Marketing what my plans were. This was the beginning of how I was introduced to the industry. I didn't realize it at the time, but it soon became apparent that this industry was very different than my previous career, to the degree that most people were failing at it.
I also realized that if I wanted to be successful, I would need to understand why 97% were not making it in the industry, and more importantly how could I be of service to help them succeed?
I decided to become a student of the game , as I did as Financial Planner, and was determined to understand the hidden order that separated the top 3% from the lower 97%.
I searched for 18 months looking for an automated system that could sift and sort my prospects so I could spend my time helping only really serious people that were struggling in this industry.
The concept of time leverage is critical in every business. So many entrepreneurs make the mistake of being managed by their business , rather than managing their business.
Well,I Finally Found It...
A system that does all the telling, selling, qualifying and closing for me, so I don't have to. I have never seen a system like this anywhere.
The main problem with this industry is...
One of the primary reasons businesses fail is the lack of target marketing. Marketing must be the main activity that an entrepreneur must do, to continue to fill their marketing funnel. Without a constant flow of leads it becomes very difficult for any business to prevail.
If you would like to learn more about how this automated system is providing me with hundreds of leads each month, I will be happy to share it with you. The best part is, it's so turnkey that it does most of the work for me, while I spend quality time with my family.
It's NOT About Pitching Opportunities.
Those are everywhere. It's about the right mindset and acquiring the necessary tools and then positioning you to ensure success. It’s about giving first and building relationships . Done properly, you allow FREEDOM OF CHOICE into your life.
I have become a MARKETER that has learned the secrets that Master Marketers use every day to generate massive amounts of traffic and consequently increasing their revenues for their business.
I look forward to meeting with you.