fashion, fabrics, my family and friends
Sign my map and let me know where in the world you come from!
World Visitor Map Generator. Create your own today!I would love to meet and have very long chats with many of today's designer's! Would that not be a blast!
As my family tells me I talk to much! Yeah but I love to talk! I can't help it and besides that is how you can meet some of the most interesting people.
Young and old come on and let's chat for a while!
Mostly country, but to tell the truth I listen to about all types of music!
I have a couple of hero's here so this might take a minute. First of course is my boys! All three of them, Travis for being so head strong but yet still able to find the path that is best suited for him, Steven for being that lovable and easygoing man that you are, and last but not least Ryan for being brave enough to go out and keep not only his family but the whole country safe! Go Navy! My niece is another of my hero's just for being her. She is a young, beaitful and a wonderful person to be around and she is what reminds me that you are only as young as you let yourself be! And for the last my grandmother! I guess she is my biggest hero for teaching me how to cope and deal with the changing world but not to forget the past.