I have been into Hard Rock & Metal all my life. I enjoy sitting down with the right album, with very little light in the room and letting that music and sound take me away. I have a 3 room recording studio, and that is my place. A close friend once told me "anytime you see a small lizard, ...you are on sacred ground," I guess that explains why I see lizards on the outside wall of the studio occasionally. I started playing guitar at age 9 and have been hooked ever since. I played in some high school bands and realized that being a guitarist is the only thing in Life I want. That life I want and so desire has been taking shape ever since. My current band Acid FM has recently gotten OVER 10,000 CD requests from new fans all around the globe, and ...it's kinda like...oh so THIS… is how it all happens. All I can really say is...ALMOST THERE! About Acid FM...
Acid FM was conceived by SparX in early 2002, with the intent to write & record hard rock that was a blend of two genre's; Stoner Rock & Psychedelic Rock. SparX began writing, recording & structuring music alone (the proverbial all-nighter's) until meeting up with Doc in late 2003. SparX asked Doc if he was interested in this writing and recording project, to ultimately become a live, touring Hard Rock act. A long, tedious recording schedule was put into place, which has transpired into what we are today. Acid FM is a hybrid of Space Rock and Psychedelic rock, with other Non-Mainstream elements. Some call it "Experi-metal", and others call it "just good hard rock". Either way, Acid FM is everything you want and nothing that's out there. Our influences range from Monster Magnet & The Cult to Pink Floyd & Hawkwind. Acid FM's ideas come from various sources that range from movies to facts to art to space to you name it!. Acid FM is the best sonic-induced trip you will ever take!.