Art of many kinds, Photography, singing, dancing, reading, writing short stories, laughing, SHOPPING, visiting your mom, amusement parks, I just like them, they're cool, cats, the color purple, the color not the book, i've never read it but i've heard its boring, seeing movies, prefferably chick flicks, ice cream, eyes, I love pretty eyes, high heel shoes, doing nothing, England
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
Your mom, Heidi Klum, Heath Ledger because he's sinfully good looking, someone who can break glass when singing
Whatever, except hard core rap.
I can never remember movies I've seen, but I do love Hercules, that movie rocks, oh, and Bend It Like Becham. I'm a sucker for British accents.
Desperate Housewives, Gray's Anatomy, Made, SNL, the Discovery channel when it has something cool on
Middlesex, Harry Potter series (yeah Thomas!!!), The Corrections, Secret Garden, Wicked and sequel, The Nanny Diaries, Meg Cabot books, so many others....