**IM READY FOR MY SON TO BE BACK** profile picture


My Flip Flops They're Floating.......Chipotle= Good Times =)

About Me

Well Ya'll Im back some of you know and some of you dont but now I guess all of you know and as you can see by the pictures im a MOMMY now. I dont know what Im havin yet but as soon as I find out I will let all of you know what it is so you can get me something LOL. Like the heading on my profile says Im making some changes in my life. Im getting rid of all the bad people and bad things that are affecting me cause I do not want that around my child. Man Danielle and Makaila ya'll about to have a little brother or sister on May 20th. Tyler, Jeff, Raymond, N Tony ya'll bout to have a little niece or nephew. DeDe you bout to have a lil cousin around to spoil n make as crazy as you are LOL. Momma you finna be a grandma and dont worry you will have this one in yo life 24/7 I know thats what you want since you never had a chance with the other ones. Julian My best friend I miss hanging out with you even though you dont write or call me anymore i still love you and wish all the best for you. I would like yall to hit me up with some comments or a message tellin me what yall think Im havin maybe we can start a bettin pool or something LOL. But anyway Remember I love all of you and will never forget yall.
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Now on some serious shit I hate liars I hate fake people. I hate people that feel they need to front in front of others. If you cant be yoself and be real then I hve no time for you in my life you can keep steppin. If you feel in anyway shape or form that you cant be real then dont even consider addin me as a friend keep movin on cause I would end up cussin you out sorry thats just me. I like to keep myself around positive people who are going somewhere in life or at least try to.THIS IS TO SEXY I LOVE WOMEN
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Name Trina
Birthday 8/5/1985
Hair black
Eye changes colors
Height 5'4
Sign Leo
Left/Right Handed right
Sing? yes
Dance? HELL YES!!!!
play a musical instrament no
play a sport swim
What color is your room? Green n White
favorite color Green
favorite number 21
favorite letter S
favorite movie The Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
favorite song to many to name
favorite cd to many to name
favorite animal red nose pit bull
favorite band to many to name
favorite music type all kinds
favorite car ?????
favorite season fall
favorite food Italian
long or short hair? short
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Sugar or Salt sugar
Coke or Pepsi ( if you pick pepsi you fucking suck) coke
Black or White Both
Cat or Dog dog
Yankees or Boston yankees
Stripes or Polka Dots stripes
Hearts or Stars stars
Last thing you ate pizza
Bed time whenever i knock out
Alien or Predator predator
Place you most wanna visit Ireland
Tea or Coffee tea
Fast food? McDonalds
Favorite pizza sausage
Fruits or Veggetables fruits
favorite store target
Tupac or Biggie biggie
Video game Donkey Kong
smoke? tryin to quit
What Shampoo and Conditioner do you use Pantene Pro-v for african americans
Rain or Shine depends on my mood
Day or Night night
do you like school? yes
do you think your attractive yes
Buz or Woody woody
Ourdoors or Indoors Depends
Something you regreat nothing
Someone you love My Mom, My girlfriend
Something you hate Coconut
Do you think you have a good fashion ( if you shop in holister abercrombie or buy anything other then pants from AE the answer is NOOOOO) Yes
Ideal Boy/Girl
Hair Color Doesnt matter
Eye Color Doesnt matter
Style punky, ghetto, androgynous
Taller or Shorter then you ? taller
Smart? Hell yes
More or less attractive then you? same
Rich? somewhat
most important personality trait Humor
Random Questions
what did you wear today blue jeans, green tank top, black slippers
last time you blew your nose this morning
last time you showered this morning
do you read? no
do you like your life? sometimes
whats one thing you wish you had ? more money
do you like oreos yes
have a good day or a bad day today? good and bad
one word you say alot whatever
do you have a screename yes
what is it ? cocoroo306 - yahoo
do you go .. for more then 2 hours a day if I am bored
do you come off as a bitch or asshole ? neither
are you nice to most people ? yes
do you talk about people alot in good ways
do most people dislike you ? no
if so is the reason cause your better looking then them? no
what was the last thing you watched on tv? the godfather
are you having fun? yes
do you like anwsering questions about yourself? depends on the question
whos your idol? My Mom, Monique
do you wish you could fly/readpeoplesminds/be invisible ? sometimes
do you like cheese? yes

My Interests

Music,music,music and more music. I love music with a passion. I like all types. Heavy metal, hip hop. RnB, rap, pop, alternative you name I like it. I also love girls. Girls are the most beautifulist things on this earth. I like shopping and talking on the phone. My favorite color is GREEN. I like sittin on the computer and chattin with friends. I like to meet new people. You can never have to many friends. IM IN LOVE WITH A STRIPPER
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com

Buried at PhotoCasket.comI LOVE FAIRIES
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Free Myspace Graphics
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... delicious
Your hugs are... friendly
Your eyes... burn into my heart
Your touch is... the only thing I desire
Your smell is... amazing
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... everlasting

Quiz created with MemeGen !


There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet someone who is down to earth good with puttin up with a big dork like me and my friends. Someone who is perfectly cool with being gay or trans. I just want somebody who fits my crazy life of a puzzle and will be there to support me in all things. Someone who is not into games and no fronts cause I cant stand liars cheaters or fakes. So if that sounds like you get to steppin if not then drop me a message so holla back at ya girl. I would like to meet people that like to hang out go to lunch or movies. Someone who has a good head on there shoulders. I dont go to church as much as I should but I do believe in God and put my life in his hands everyday. I dont like negativity so people have got to be positive around me. I am about to have a child so if you dont like children click the back button. But much love to all and Many Blessings in your life.
You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?
Buried at PhotoCasket.comTHE BEAUTIFUL MRS. LONDON CHARLESFree Myspace Graphics

Not a Player, But You Dabble In the Game.

Sometimes a girl just wants to have fun- and when it's fun you're after, you get it.
But when you want a relationship, you seem to score that as well.
What you want changes from day to day? and from guy to guy.
Luckily, you've got the skills to get whatever you want - and pass the leftovers on to your friends.

Are You a Player? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.


I love all kinds of music. Alternative, rap, hip hop, RnB, heavy metal, you name it i probably have it on a mix cd.
Buried at PhotoCasket.comNowPlaying:
T-Pain -Buy U A Drank
Music Codes Provided BySomeCodes.com


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My Movie Personality
My Top Rated Movies
Category My Ratings
Blockbusters Great!
Comedies Love 'em
Action Love 'em
Love Love 'em
More Stuff Love 'em
How do we compare? Take the quiz
Check out my page on Flixster - add me if u r on!
.. FLIXSTER MCT RESULTS END -I love horror movies. Even though i get scared as shit they are my favorite. I also like a good drama every now and then. But you cannot live without a sappy love movie everyonce in a while either
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List 20 friends in random order:
1. Makaila
2. Mj
4. Brandy
5. Jersey
6. Raymond
7. Danielle
8. Angie
9. Tyler
10. Puck
11. Keesha
12. Bridgette
13. Jeff
14. Alyssa
15. Lisa
16. Ryan
17. DeDe
18. Rahim
19. Raelynn
20. Katrina
Now answer the following:
how did you meet 13? He's my brother
what would you do if you never met 5? IDK
have you ever liked 3? not that way
what do you honestly think of 10? I love him to death
would or did 19 and 8 go out? nope
if 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing you would need him/her to know? That she is my world and I dont know what I would do without her in my life
would 2 and 11 make a good couple? haha maybe
describe 6 in three words: Funny, stupid, crazy
do you think 12 is beautiful? hmmmm LMAO
would 1 and 17 ever go out? Hell Naw they best friends
what do you think of when you see 8? My short shit
tell me something humiliating about 11: HMM IDK
do you know any of 7's family members? Yeah
what is 20's favorite color? Red
on a scale from 1-10 how cute is 14? 12
what would you do if 4 just professed their undying love for you? I would laugh and think hell naw this is some crazy shit
what language does 19 speak? English
who is 8 going out with? IDK
does 2 have any siblings? yes
is 15 single?
what is 10's fantasy? My sister
what school does 16 go to? Graduated
where does 9 live? I think over south
would you makeout with 13? HELLL TO THE NAW
when is the last time you talked to 12? 2 days ago
what is 3'
what is 3's favorite band? IDK
would you date 9? If she was single and not my soul sister LOL


Soaps and Dramas. My favorite tv shows are Days of Our Lives, Passions, CSI-SVU, CSI, ER, Judging Amy, and Charmed
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com
YOU KNOW THIS IS ME LOLI think Im feelin this right now
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com


Harry Potter


MY MOMTHESE ARE WISE WORDS FROM MY MOTHERTrina, I know thngs may look bleak to you now and even in the future, but if you don't put jesus 1st and call on him instead of your so called friends, things will always look down. I know your pain and I know how you feel because remember, I too feel like that from time to time but I pray and ask Jesus to intervine when I come to the door of pain, lonliness,depression, and hurt. I too know so well of this and these feelings.But I have learned alone the way how to cope, to ignore, to rant and rave about it all, to cry out as loud as I can to God to take it away so I won't feel this way. I'm not happy all the time and I can't say no one is either. You're expecting now and your emotions will deep from time to time and you'll have joy soon. So, don't fall because you can't get what you want or do the things you want to do. In time, In time, you'll be able to experience something you've never had before or do the things you've never done before. Just don't give up, be happy that Jesus is making a chnge in your life right now and everyday. You've changed so much lately and it makes me proud to see the change in you. I believe you have grown into someone that really can make a difference in someone's life like your baby and your family.What you need to learn and realize is that YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE!!!!, STOP!!! stop trying yo make someone else happy and you stay in oain cause that's is just what it will do, keep you in pain and don't feel worth anything. I KNOW THE FEELING!!! I went through that growing up and even as I becme an adult. STOP IT!. People are like clothes, you wear your favorite for a while and then all of a sudden then begin to fade on you more and more as you wash it and then they start shreading away until there is nothing left to hold on to. If they are true friends, they'll be there with your brightest of them all and will out shine everything else.As for me, I'll always be your mother with or without your permission, whether you like what I say or don't believe what I say to you, face it, you're stuck with me until I'm no more on earth. I can't be around you 24 7, yu're an adult now and have your own agenda, only you and Jesus have mapped out for you. This is a time you'll just have to go along for the ride until you realize what feels right and how you preceive it.So, hold you head up high and be happy that God have plans for you and HE blessed you to see the light, the sun, the smiles on others face when you don't have one to share, be happy that you have life you're bringing in this world that will need you and depend on you to be there for, and know that you have a brother that loves you wholeheartedly and is crazy about you and that's Ray-Man, you know how he feels. I don't want nothing to happen to my grandchild and he/she feels all your pain and emotions so think about that.Regardless of how you feel about me or say, I do love you and care about you. If I can't be there for you all the time, it's not because I don't want to, it's because I have to heal myself and take care of me now. I'm always here to listen, I may not be available when you want me to but I am here. This is your time to growup and take a stand in life's adventure. Now if you feel that you won't be able to handle a baby, you let me know. I want you happy and I always did. I miss my mother too, she was my best friend, but I have to grow up now but she is buried in my heart and I know what she'll say if I gave up.KEEP ON TRUCKN BABY!!! DON'T STOP!!!, if you have to level and grate your area just to breathe, so be it, do it and start your life all over again. Trust me, you'll feel a whole lot better and it'll work.HOLD YOUR HEAD UP HIGH!!!Free Myspace Graphics
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Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 06:12:00 PST

I Apologize

To everyone I am sorry about my sister she has a very opinionated and very overprotectivve when It comes to me. So I just wanted to apologize to everyone. I am home now and everything is okay. ...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:12:00 PST


 To the rest of you BITCHES I hate all of you. I have been at my sisters apartment for the past couple of days and not one of you who call yourself my sisters friend has called. Not to see if she...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 06:49:00 PST

The World Today

Things in my world today are so mellow. People dont call anymore well they never did in the first place but its like now Im stickin my middle finger up to all of them and tellin them to kiss my ass. Y...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 02:04:00 PST


Im so tired of hurting. Everyday I deal with new hurt. If its not emotionally or Mentally its physically. Why cant I ever get a break from this pain of mine. And people dont make it any better. That a...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:08:00 PST

It's V-Day

So it's Valentines Day. Let's see if i get anything. I highly doubt that I do. I dont think I'll get so much as a phone call from anybody...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 07:01:00 PST

Wake up Call

So as you have read in previous blogs I was gaining some interests in one of my friends but now in a turn of events I am no longer feeling that way. I guess I have had some sort of wake up call. I was...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 07:50:00 PST


Well all I am not happy to say that this is a sad goodbye. I will not be seein any of you anymore. I am going to a better place. I will be havin one of my friends check my myspace regularly in ca...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:43:00 PST

Im Leavin

Im goin on home I cant be here anymore and really dont want to be here anymore. Its been along time since the last time I have wanted to go visit my grandma but I am really contemplating it. Im so sic...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 07:19:00 PST

Man Im so done wit peoples bullshit

Man I am so done wit peoples bullshit Im tired of lies and exscuses motherfuckers be given me oh its because of this or oh its because of that man fuck that shit and be real about yours and let me kno...
Posted by *WATCHU KNOW BOUT ME*~MY LIP GLOSS IS POPPIN* on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 07:18:00 PST