RUNNING and music.
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I have a few in mind.
Let me listen 2 it, there's a 99% chance i'll love it! I do believe that SHAKIRA is the greatest artist of all time, and I'll never get tired of her. =]
I love DISNEY MOVIES, I'm very easily entertained by movies all together though.
Discovery Health Channel and of course: Disney!!
Monster, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Esperanza Rising, Girls Speak Out, SUB 4:00, PRE, Speak, My Brother Sam Is Dead, The Giver, Wuthering Heights, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, The Perfect MIle, The Great Gatsby, and others.
Andrea... she's the most amazing human .period., Coach... b/c he's just awesome (that's why Andrea married him), my family... b/c they have had a lot to do w/ who and what I've become, Rosa Parks... she be tight, and PRE..... for obvious reasons.