I'm dOwn fOr whatever! I just like tO have fun!
I'm a peOple persOn and I'm Open minded. Meeting peOple is nOt a prOblem. The prOblem is meeting peOple whO are wOrthy enOugh tO stay in my life. I dOn't like fake, manipulative, cOntrolling, ignOrant people. I need tO be surrOunded by peOple whO accept me fOr me and dOn't judge me. I like intelligent peOple whO I can cOnversate with. PeOple whO are crazy and OutgOing, sO we can live it up. PeOple whO appreciate what they have and whO wOrk hard. I dOn't need jealOusy
I listen to a lil' Of everything.
I like hOrrOr, cOmedies, rOmance, and actiOn. I lOve being a cOuch pOtatO! There's nOthing better than hanging Out with peOple, especially a man, and watching movies, just chillaxing!
Couch pOtatO! So, it's whatever!
I like hOrrOr, rOmance, and pOetry. Since I wanna be a cop and all, I like mysteries and shit like that!
God abOve all... I look up tO my Mom and Dad. They've definitely given me mOre than I cOuld imagine. They're gOOd, hOnest, hard wOrking peOple, and withOut them, I'd be a ghettO, hOOdrat, living Off welfare Or sOmething, with like 3 kids frOm different daddies. They taught me better. They taught me tO break the cycle and dO sOmething meanigful with my life and I prOmised them I wOuld!