jamie profile picture


this is a list of what i should've been, but i'm not

About Me

ok...work in progress...both this page and myself...things i'm obsessed with...food...diners...eating at fancy restaurants...spring...autumn...when people trip/fall down (see my profile picures...even better when it's you)...passing someone's apt who is doing laudry and it smells like the fabric softner...mashed potatoes and iced tea hangovers...running in the rain...wearing my dad's old t-shirts from college...seeing a friend you haven't seen in years and picking up exactly where you left off...cheesey television...the built in bookshelf in my apt...my obsession with music...away messages...nervous energy...being into someone...finding out that someone is into you...mojitos...when the sun sets and it's kind of breezy and you're a little bit cold and all it takes is your favorite hoodie to make everything better...tea...the sound of skateboarding (aka the sound of hott)...watching people surf...sun...the beach...the way your shadow always makes you look 10 times hotter than you actually are...when people say irregardless and i get to tell them it's not actually a word...passing out in the park in the afternoon when everyone else has to be at work...bbq's...coffee bars...staying in hotels...sleeping in my own bed when you get back from a hotel...train rides...airports...dogs...waking up in a panic because you think you're going to be late for work and then realizing that you didn't set the alarm because you have the day off...thunder storms (as long as someone is there with me)...tan lines...hot dog tommy's...kissing someone who understands how you like to be kissed...being scared...good red wine...wawa...perkins...limestone...live music...lyrics that seem to speak straight to your soul...the fairy dust trees by the pond at dickinson...laughing so hard about something that only you and your friends think is funny that by the time you are finished it feels like you did 1,000 sit-ups...doing 1,000 sit-ups...dipping your fries in ice-cream...making up life stories about complete strangers...turning tv shows into drinking games...checking my daily horoscope then finding something that happened over the course of the day that will make it correct...going to dinner with the girls and pretending you're on sex and the city...going to visit your family instead of going out...getting together with friends to recapp the previous night's events...finding that hole in the wall bar/coffeeshop/bookstore that no one else knows about...going to the bank (i know that's a weird one)...going someplace you've never been and spending the day pretending that you have lived there your entire life...that little muscle on either side of the pelvic bone that only boys (and brittany spears pre-baby) have...buying/receiving gifts for no reason...looking super cute to offset the fact that you want to boot...being 17...finding the perfect song to fit the perfect situation...the way yummy looks written down... the list for what pisses me off is coming...i swear...

My Blog

it's always sunny in philadelphia by miss krystina kennedy

alright kk...i know you've moved to south carolina, but i found out your little secret...you obviously come back once a week in order to film your new show on fx,  it's always sunny in philadelph...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 20:13:00 GMT

what the crap.

so today, as i was counting down the registers at work, the deposit came to six dollars and sixty-six cents.  yeah, $6.66 on 6/6/06.  neat.  is the universe trying to tell me something....
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 19:54:00 GMT

the ifc pulp marathon

ok, so i was stuck inside this fine friday evening due to the philadelphia monsoon and i totally got sucked into the independent film channel's pulp marathon.  seriously, in a row i got this is s...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 23:09:00 GMT

more than meets the eye...

before reading this, please see the disclaimer from the previous blog...same rules apply... fun in philly...so i get home from work today and am minding my own business, listening to the 2,000 new cd'...
Posted by on Tue, 30 May 2006 22:17:00 GMT

absence makes the heart...go to the beach?

disclaimer: pay no attention to spelling errors...i may have been an english major, but this fact has rubbed off not at all on my spelling technique.  it sucks...get over it...i have... so, now i...
Posted by on Sun, 21 May 2006 13:05:00 GMT

my new tatoo by kahlil gibran

    'your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.' but your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge. you would in words that which you have always known in...
Posted by on Fri, 12 May 2006 05:05:00 GMT