This layout was made by…[ MarineGirlyCreations ]
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-R.I.P TravisI've tried not to let things get to me, but here lately, I've had a lot of trouble with it. My brother died recently. The person I strived to be like everyday. The person I looked up to with the most respect ever given. To all my friends who have seen the changes in me, I'm sorry I can't help it. For my new friends, I won't always be like this. You can stick it out and wait or you can fuck off and leave me alone. The choice is yours. If you ask me what happened to my brother, chances are, I won't tell you. I don't like to re-live what happened everytime someone wants to know. I don't like talking about it, It breaks my heart when I do. I don't want to think about how horrible it most of been. My brother was the coolest motherfucker I know. He kept my ass out of trouble ( when he could ) and beat the fuck out of anyone who messed with me. He's my Guardian Angel and a ghost that haunts me. I don't want to think about it anymore. If you try to dig at it, you won't get far. Just leave it be.