Aronne Motta (1971) fin da piccolo dimostra di avere doti artistiche, conservando forte passione per l'arte in particolare per il disegno e la pittura. Consegue il diploma presso l'istituto d'arte di Siracusa e termina gli studi laureandosi presso l'accademia di belle arti di Firenze. Proprio a Firenze nel 1990 inizia a frequentare tatuatori e tatuati, affacciandosi alla body art. Dopo un anno di praticantato inizia a lavorare e perfezionare la tecnica. Nel 1991 e 1992 partecipa alle prime conventions.
Dopo anni di lavoro viaggi e spostamenti, e con l'aumentare sempre maggiore della richiesta, nel 2004 apre il" Bambooleè studio"nella città a lui più cara, Siracusa.
Aronne Motta:
(1971) discovered soon his talent for art; he has been interested in painting, drawing and sculpture since childhood. First, he studied at the Istituto d’Arte in Siracusa, his hometown; then he graduated at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Florence. That city represented a turning point in Aronne’s life; in Florence he started to hang out with tattooist and tattooed people. Basically that was the way he ventured into the world of tattoos and body art. As most pros did, Aronne learned through an apprenticeship period. And of course he practiced and refined his technique and style constantly. The first conventions followed soon between 1991 and 1992, then he intensively worked and travelled around the world. Finally, due to a huge amount of requests, he settled down in Siracusa and started his own business; it was the 2004 when Aronne inaugurated his own tattoo studio: Bambooleè.
aronne motta work
amsterdam tattoo convention