you should IM me and ask me what i like to do.. or my hobbies and stuff like that.. if you really wanna know that bad.. Itz BoOg Yehdig.. aight then, onE
i would like to meet anyone.. its all kewl as long as theres no static then its all kewl
its all about disney movies,
i dont really watch TV cause im out doing stuff but if i had to choose it would be the disney channel...
i dont read books.. if i had to put something down i would say Dr. suess books.. those things were kool. umm.. pretty much any book that came on cassett
my hero's forrealz is my real family and my rec family.. they keep me up and take care of me and one day i hope to become like my real family and my rec family in a combination and be able to do what they do.. which is be the best they can be.. try there hardest and never give up on anything